A Pazon Smartfire is an analog unit - a different animal than the digital Pazon Altair. If it is kicking back I'd suspect low battery or it is mis-timed.
Pazon Smart-Fire is digital. Sure-Fire is analogue.
I have a Smart Fire on my 72 Combat engine. I find that turning ignition Off and back On betwenn kicks eliminates the Kick backs.I have a Smart Fire on my 650SS, and found out early to bring the machine up to compression, THEN turn the ignition on, give it a proper mans kick, otherwise it would kick back even with slow turn over and give my angle one hell of a belt.
Doing it this way gives a first kick start each time, only thing is every now and then old age pops up and I forget.
For starting on the button? I am often asked for an ignition recommendation for use with my starter. I'm stuck in the stone age with my lucas rita's.Anyway, my Altair has been flawless