Parts for sale, links in here + new picture.

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Jan 3, 2009
Hey guys, I've got some bits for sale on ebay, and thought I'd send along the links to you forum members first. I'm making my racer how I've always pictured it, and have some spares left over...

Tail light assembly ... 0341145495

Mirrors (pair) ... 0341147015

Grab rail -back of the seat ... 0341148507

Chain Guard ... 0341151054

Side stand ... 0341152380

Handle bars ... 0341155485

And here's a updated pic of my bike, waiting on a seat I ordered to come in. Like the painted fender? I think it looks good. I also really like the exhaust wrap.
Parts for sale, links in here + new picture.

Now I'm waiting for my new seat. I ordered this one:
Parts for sale, links in here + new picture.

*edit* might have to hit "refresh" for the picture to show up...

parts for sale pic's update

hello bikes looking good like the painted fender.was wondering how you made out on the ticking noise from cylinder head did you sort out the problem ? m. c. /

Well the ticking sound seems to have reduced, I had a Brit bike mechanic come have a look at it. He said it sounds fine, and when I went and say 'prestons's norton here in town I heard the same sound. The camera must have been amplifying the tick somehow to make it seam like a big deal.

On another note, I'm getting a bit of smoke puffing out the left side.
White, so it's oil- Guess I'll have to get around to a comp check.
Only while cold, once it's warm it's gone.
And if I hold the revs up around 2000 or more, it goes away even when cold.
Don't think it's too big of a deal.
nidyanazo said:

Well the ticking sound seems to have reduced, I had a Brit bike mechanic come have a look at it. He said it sounds fine, and when I went and say 'prestons's norton here in town I heard the same sound. The camera must have been amplifying the tick somehow to make it seam like a big deal.

On another note, I'm getting a bit of smoke puffing out the left side.
White, so it's oil- Guess I'll have to get around to a comp check.
Only while cold, once it's warm it's gone.
And if I hold the revs up around 2000 or more, it goes away even when cold.
Don't think it's too big of a deal.

If its burning oil on the left side, are you by chance running it on the side stand?

Leaned over on the side stand, oil tends to pool up around the exhaust valve guide, as the drain is more towards the center of the head. Running on the side stand for a minute or so, you'll start burning the oil that's running down the valve stem.
Nice bike Aydin, The white really looks good. Be sure to show us a picture when you get the seat on. :)
Hey thanks bud!
Ya I should have the seat end of this week.
I also just won some rearsets on ebay, so the bike should be looking pretty good in a couple weeks!
Will be sure to take some pics, and when I have some free time I'll get my crew together to actually take some nice film.
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