One piece rocker spindle plate fitment

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Barnyard engineering stuff: On the spindle oil circuit side of each one-piece spindle cover, I filed a narrow tapered trough with a thin jewelers file into the spindle cover tab to make a better path for the oil to get into the spindle center. On my old Norton head a couple of the oil ports are partially blocked with the deeper tab. It is easy to do on the aluminum one-piece spindle covers. Not sure if it would be necessary on a Commando head. It might be too much work for no substantial gain on a one-piece stainless steel spindle cover.
Update: I decided to return them and give JS Motorsports’ aluminum versions a try. I might try a few of those gaskets while I’m at it—if they work as described it would make things a lot simpler down the line. Scraping stuck gaskets off aluminum is a thing I will surely never miss in my life.
Barnyard engineering stuff: On the spindle oil circuit side of each one-piece spindle cover, I filed a narrow tapered trough with a thin jewelers file into the spindle cover tab to make a better path for the oil to get into the spindle center. On my old Norton head a couple of the oil ports are partially blocked with the deeper tab. It is easy to do on the aluminum one-piece spindle covers. Not sure if it would be necessary on a Commando head. It might be too much work for no substantial gain on a one-piece stainless steel spindle cover.
I'm not sure increased flow to the rockers, especially the intake rockers is a good idea. There's already so much oil in there that valve seals are required.
Update: I decided to return them and give JS Motorsports’ aluminum versions a try. I might try a few of those gaskets while I’m at it—if they work as described it would make things a lot simpler down the line. Scraping stuck gaskets off aluminum is a thing I will surely never miss in my life.
Use grease on the gaskets then they won't stick
I'm not sure increased flow to the rockers, especially the intake rockers is a good idea. There's already so much oil in there that valve seals are required.
As it turns out the exhaust side spindle covers is what I did the trenching on. Never got around to doing it on the intake side. The oil ports weren't blocked at all on the intakes.
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