Different here. It's a lifestyle. Damn little about the bike (except for tons of chrome, custom paint, super loud expensive pipes, ape hangers, getback whips, gremlin bells, fat spoked big front wheels, super wide rear tires, decorative lighting, loud speakers. Fashion show stuff. Not my thing, but more power to ya if you like it.
Then there are the riders. The self rightous people who JUDGE you if your motorcycle isn't a cookie cutter air compressor on wheels, yet profess not to judge. "Cruiser face".
Their brand of Patriotism, is to disrespect their fellow Americans if they ride any motorcycle other than Harley. "Holier than thou"
Yet, they tout "respect".
I've explained to a few who cared to listen, about some history.
My favorite, is the categorization of "rice burner" which includes anything non-Harley. Ducs, Beemers, Hinckleys, everything.
All of this is observation.
Then, there is the ride. Only 1 in 1000 ride it like a motorcycle. The rest, it's just an attention whore parade. They give dirty looks if you're wearing a full face helmet

Again, no matter.
The way they ride 10mph below the speed limit is again, no worries, float along, enjoy the great weather.
BUT, they purposely block the road, don't want anyone to pass their remedial riding arse. Hypocritical "respect"....
They have no respect. Unless you too are a dawdler in a fashion show.
Again 1 in 1000 will see a bike in the mirror closing on them, tuck to the right, and give clear "body language, "come on by". Most weave & wobble purposely, crank the volume control twist grip when there is a passing zone.
I never rode a Hardley Ableson in Europe, but I rode my Tiger 1050 there. Feeling I got was a bike is a bike is a bike.
I said all that to say this: The air cooled twin is about all they have in common. I rode a Shovelhead to high school. I like the traditional engine. But to open up the forums that way, would be a big deal. There are already a bazillion Harley forums.
Edit: yes, my Commando is accepted by most, once they identify it. As a headlight, small bike with a helmeted rider in the mirror, the shit treatment is the same as any other non-road hog.