oil tank broken

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Its the metal fatgue of tank resisting vibration by the fixed bottom fastener in middle of expanse of drumming sheet metal when not really held stable by the long top tangs and rubber isolators. Fix is somehow support bottom by fairly stiff rubber cushion with hole cut out for the fastener boss w/o the fastener installed down there. If not supporting tank bottom then top tangs go bye bye form fatigue cracks. Trick part is keeping tank separated from clanging on top frame tube. On my factory Combats I used sliced rubber hose to wedge in there and so far about 10,000 mile of rough riding and some crashing its silent and stable sealed. For some reason my my current Combat tank front tang made tank sit to far back to put Lords mount at rear short tang so just ran a bolt through rubber washers and not nipped up very tight. Front Lord's mount is Harley item but hardly anyone notices so far.
Heres what i did - cut boss from bottom of tank, put rubber cushion under entire bottom of tank (I used built up pieces of inner tube rubber glued together with 3m adhesive because I had old inner tubes around) . Used the same size grommets that support the exhaust for the upper mounts. Same inner tube rubber used to make rubber cushion between tank and batt cover.
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