NYC Norton sump breather question.

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Feb 24, 2022
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I recently purchased a NYC sump breather. What tool did you use to tighten it with. It is a nice piece and I don't want to mar it. Than you for any info in advance.
I recently purchased a NYC sump breather. What tool did you use to tighten it with. It is a nice piece and I don't want to mar it. Than you for any info in advance.
NYC Norton sump breather question.
Long before I purchased the NYC sump breather, I had purchased Andover Norton's sump plug spanner (part no. 13.1733, 7.30 pounds) for removing the old sump filter for annual cleaning of the filter. The designers at NYC Norton are obviously on the ball because they designed their sump breather so that the head of their unit is the same size as the old sump plug, so Andover Norton's sump plug spanner fits perfectly. I tried to post a photo but no luck. However, the tool is shown on the AN website. I agree; the NYC sump breather unit looks like a piece of jewelry. Not only that, but it works wonderfully. Always a bonus when something does what it is supposed to and looks good doing it.
Long before I purchased the NYC sump breather, I had purchased Andover Norton's sump plug spanner (part no. 13.1733, 7.30 pounds) for removing the old sump filter for annual cleaning of the filter. The designers at NYC Norton are obviously on the ball because they designed their sump breather so that the head of their unit is the same size as the old sump plug, so Andover Norton's sump plug spanner fits perfectly. I tried to post a photo but no luck. However, the tool is shown on the AN website. I agree; the NYC sump breather unit looks like a piece of jewelry. Not only that, but it works wonderfully. Always a bonus when something does what it is supposed to and looks good doing it.
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