Norton Web Site

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Sep 15, 2005
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Hi, All,
I have been on this Norton web site for a long time, and the one previous. I still have my Norton with Supercharger in mint condition , but I only ride it on special occasions.
I am also on the Ducati , Fox gun, Parker gun, and many more.
I hate the Ad's on the other sites.
This is the best web site by far of all of them. The people who are contributing know what they are talking about.
And It's great to see the new up graded products being produced for Nortons by people who care.
It's the first web site I go to on powering up my computer.

Thank You to the Administrator for a great job!!
Bruce MacGregor
Bruce MacGregor said:
This is the best web site by far of all of them. The people who are contributing know what they are talking about.
Thank You to the Administrator for a great job!!
Of course, we already knew that! :mrgreen:
Welcome, and I'd love to see some pictures of your blown bike.

welcome back Bruce .... funny how Norton and Ducati go together , eh
Had a couple of 4 cyl. bikes but always like the singles and twins best ( Norton ).... maybe it is a sign of my age .... not sure .... the vertical singles and twins are so real .... still like the sound of Commando best
Bruce MacGregor said:
Hi, All,
I have been on this Norton web site for a long time, and the one previous. I still have my Norton with Supercharger in mint condition , but I only ride it on special occasions.
I am also on the Ducati , Fox gun, Parker gun, and many more.
I hate the Ad's on the other sites.
This is the best web site by far of all of them. The people who are contributing know what they are talking about.
And It's great to see the new up graded products being produced for Nortons by people who care.
It's the first web site I go to on powering up my computer.

Thank You to the Administrator for a great job!!
Bruce MacGregor

Yea I used to go on that site before accessnorton. Can't remember the name though.
Craig said:
welcome back Bruce .... funny how Norton and Ducati go together , eh

Funny again isn't it. I have one of each in my garage along with a Hinckley Triumph but 'Pa', my trusty Norton, will always be my favorite.
Ride On
The Commando goes to Ian my son when I'm done ... the others seem to come and go .... The Commando will stay in the family ...
Hi to Craig,
This probably should be a P.M. but I'll throw it out any ways!

Wow, I just noticed that we have the same bikes. 2006 & 2007 ST3S ABS are same.
My Duc is on the third Ducati Performance ECU reflash from Houston Super bikes this month!
So far they have not figured out the ABS map. or the difference between the S model & non S model. I'am waiting for # 3 to be in my mail box tomorrow. Then comes the TPS reset.

Anyway, I have fired up the Norton, Sans Drouin in case this takes a while!

Also, My family had property in " Lower, West, Pubnico until a few years ago.
N.S. is beautiful bike riding country, most people do not realize that because it sticks out into the Gulf Stream more than Cape Cod that the winters are mostly mild.
Last year I rode to Quebec , then around, Sagunay, aw sum ride. I recommend this to the North East riders ( Sorry guys , I did it on the Duc )

From the old Norton web site? Was it Brit Iron? It was from an EDU university site??
What happened to , John Hudson, Matt Spenser, John from Coventry Spares? and others that were constant contributors.?
We still have Steve Hobot, & Dyno Dave!

Bruce MacGregor
Bruce MacGregor said:
Hi to Craig,
This probably should be a P.M. but I'll throw it out any ways!

Wow, I just noticed that we have the same bikes. 2006 & 2007 ST3S ABS are same.
My Duc is on the third Ducati Performance ECU reflash from Houston Super bikes this month!
So far they have not figured out the ABS map. or the difference between the S model & non S model. I'am waiting for # 3 to be in my mail box tomorrow. Then comes the TPS reset.

Anyway, I have fired up the Norton, Sans Drouin in case this takes a while!

Also, My family had property in " Lower, West, Pubnico until a few years ago.
N.S. is beautiful bike riding country, most people do not realize that because it sticks out into the Gulf Stream more than Cape Cod that the winters are mostly mild.
Last year I rode to Quebec , then around, Sagunay, aw sum ride. I recommend this to the North East riders ( Sorry guys , I did it on the Duc )

From the old Norton web site? Was it Brit Iron? It was from an EDU university site??
What happened to , John Hudson, Matt Spenser, John from Coventry Spares? and others that were constant contributors.?
We still have Steve Hobot, & Dyno Dave!

Bruce MacGregor

I have a 2003 ST4s. Love it. Love the Norton more, tho.
DD is still around sadly Hobot is on a sabbatical .... not on here enough to comment on the others .... I have the original DP ecu in the Duc with the DP pipes and open air box , I run without db killers .... 43000km trouble free .... will be going up around the Gaspe on Duc early Sept after a stop at Loring Maine for the speed runs ... this is a really good honest forum and I sure have learned a lot from all these guys ... a few laughs too
Bruce MacGregor said:
What happened to , John Hudson, Matt Spenser, John from Coventry Spares?

John Hudson (Norton Service Manager) died in 2003.
We have a Matt Spencer here.
John from Coventry Spares I think would be John Healy who is a contributor on the Britbike forum.
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