Norton Dragster

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typical kiwi skinflints , cant afford a Norton Box . :P :x

Norton Dragster

The front downtube looks like a leftover too . :x ( just kidding folks )
The gear 1`drive is interesting, anyone else tried that usefully? Perhaps a more modern vertically stacked 6-speed would work even better..
Every Norton drag racer alive and late I've quizzed all to a man spit on ground then said AMC spill guts on track about 100 hp level of launches. Very interesting solution shown. Most decent power to weight dragsters don't need many gears and tend to lose time in shifts. What sort of class would these Brit Iron bikes run in?
Yeah, you are correct dragrace-wise, I was thinking more along the lines of a custom short iso cradle to fit in a 250 G.P. bike chassis..
Interesting. IIRC Leo used a Kawasaki Z-1/KZ900/KZ1000 sort of gearbox. Afterwards he said that if he had known how much work it was going to take, he wouldn't have done it.

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