NORTON digital electronic tacho

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Nov 4, 2007
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Hi every body, first I had seen the new smiths digital tacho ( supplied by Andover or Pucca Smiths ) , they look nice and pretty affordable at 180£ , but now RGM propose any (though not Smiths) at 156 £, they look similar , though they are pretty new on the market , is someone have any feedback about those two tacho ?? same question could be applied for the speedo , but I am not interested into, as it's to fit on a racer .
About that , I had asked to Pazon and they insured me that the grey wire (tacho output) is suitable for those , as it was not for the Scitsu or Krober , that 's one reason to go that way..........
How about the Mick Hemmings electronic tacho? A friend of mine has been using it for years. No problems.
Hello John, thanks for that , now I must phone to Angie, or have an idea about the price (are they the same than the one of Minnovation ??), Pierre.
Smiths has analog faced electronic tachometers in 3 face styles for Commandos plus grey and black face gauges and both an 8,000 and 10,000 rpm Chronometric. There is a new
race tach that they have developed and is undergoing testing in the UK and should be available soon. You would have to contact EU or UK dealer (PUCA) for info. I have not physically seen one yet but hope to have one for my Formula 750/BEARS Commando in time for the AHRMA double header at Willow Springs and Sonoma in a couple months.


Tom Kuillen
Formula 750/BEARS
2010 AHRMA Sportsman Of The Year
BVGP Event Coordinator
Hello Pierre,

I got a digital Smith-looking tacho from SRM in the UK 2 years ago for about 150 £.

There have been rumours in France about their lack of reliability / accurracy and selling by SRM being discontinued.

As per your post, it seems that those sold by RGM are the same (I can't imagine several makers of Smiths replicas).

Connected to my Pazon Sure Fire system, it is still working fine after 2 years and is really straightforward to install.

The most tricky step is to set it up to the correct number of cylinders, but not that serious.

I'll try and find more details about the make and type etc... and let you know.

I can scan and send you the tech documentation if needed.

Hi Laurent, thanks for your reply, as far as I know the SRM one should be the same as the PUCa Smiths, supplied as well by Andover
Norton, and I aggree they do not have a good reputation, at that time .....even ZFD , actual boss of AN, did not praise them , but now he should have changed his mind as he supplies the RGM , they appears to be US made (can't remenber where I had seen that ?) , they should be one of the numerous digital tacho supplied in the States but with a Norton face , that's my humble thoughts , but as I am cheap , I just want to buy the right thing, any way, will see .....
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