Hi everyone
So received the ignition last week along with the oil switch and other parts.
Was installing the banjo bolt for the new switch and it wouldn't go in. It turns out there was one of those helicoil inside which came out with the bolt. So yesterday took the timing cover to a welder and at home was able to drill it and tap it with the titanium bolt.
Assembled the new ignition and timed it 31 degrees. Place a bit of gas inside both barrels like you guys taught me.
tickled both carbs and kicked and guess what she fired up second kick

It turns out it was the bad ignition all along plus the T140 boyer didn't work either previously on the bike even though it gave good spark

Also checked the alternator rotor previously and the marks were correct.
The downside of this all is that I had the center stand on top of a wooden board to free the rear wheel and with the kicking it moved and the bike drooped on the floor like in slow motion. Luckily didn't had the gas tank on and the left foot peg took all the damage and gain a bit of a bend. Also got a small mark on the speedometer bezel but the pipes and everything else were unarmed.
Have two questions regarding the S type pipes, is it normal to be so close to the side cover? and also the fuel line is really close or even touching the barrel, can't it melt the?
Anyway just wanna to thank everyone for the help and patience! wouldn't of done without all the support. In the end we pushed through