Norton 750 breaks land speed record

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Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

Air resistance becomes as important as horse power around 120 for me. I ain't done no land speed event but once held on til didn't go no faster to find its quite a task to see where you are going and stay out the breeze much as possible. Older farts that can't bend neck back as far as less decayed pilots lose a few mph not being able to get as low. My big relief to read stock chassis is stable on salty surface regardless of its power plant 'cheating' ways. After 120 I find some postures with wind gusts can lift my light ass off the seat, which is not a good felling, so extra knee grip attention soon develops. There are also the mile long land speed events on airports around the nation. Someone should try to burn up a Norton at one of those. This current salt laker might top 145. Might have to sit up to help slow down in time.
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

I`ve hammered big Jappers[& modern Triumph equivalents] down the freeway - redlining them though the gears, [new ones are speed limited nowadays], but tunnel vision phenomena notwithstanding, it was like flying compared to say, maxing out a high geared H2 in top & having A, the front lift alarmingly over rises in the road, or B, having a wicked lock-to-lock tankslapper occur over other road irregularites [but pull straight again: stat,- amazingly] , that kind of thing would get the old ticker going a bit more rapidly for while...
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

J.A.W. said:
Bonneville S-F record sure, but World Record ? Didn`t Norton have a factory development hack that went 143mph?
& Matt Spencer will tell us that his old pre-unit Bonnie could beat 126mph on a low barometer day, with left & right handed Monoblocs synchronised WFO & open mega`s...chin on tank, ...jeans tucked into boots ...scowl on face...fag on bottom lip...& etc..etc...

F'n hilarious dude!
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

ive wanted to visit a LSR for over a year now. the ECTA got a track in ohio (air strip) but didnt get a chance to make it out there to watch. have a buddy into that type of stuff. i remember him saying it takes around 200hp to go 200mph. of course its a given that hp needed will rise exponentially to meet air resistance. then theres the problem of wheel lift and speed wobbles
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

Id never taken the C'do over 115 that I know , as it was bigger than me . :shock: The old slalom skier position was refined in windtunnels for 120 mph .
So you dont need a motorcycle . :shock: Though Id prefer to be on one at that speed .
The lowest ayrodynamic drag , elbows in , forlegs vertical , chest on knees , forearms straight . Takes practise for posn. OFF cycle .
Advantage on the Ancient Triumph with the pre war style bars , was elbows were locked to knees to brace steering ,
with chin down on rear of tank , With the headlamp & speedo forward breaking the air .

Hardly there @ 5'8" and 10 stone ( helps the acceleration too ) . But first , like horses , perfecting departing ship can save a lot of skin if something lets go .
Leather soles will slide , rubber grip & catapult requireing parachute . Which is more drag . :P

Also helps if nothings loose or flapping round . Incedently , after the trip Xmas 77/78 , some 3 up at speed :lol: the gap between 3rd / 4th became evident .
Moved b ack out into the boondocks post christmass , away from the city ' steet ' kids the exhaust was looked at , quitely on the lawn over a few ours , we figured the fit to tuck them up / in . Cut 2 1/2 odd at the head to get them fitted clean , then trimmed rear to the tuned length for . And refitted the long
lightly baffled steel meagaphones . When the induction phaseing came in , the fuel burnt on the incandesent baffles pulled the rpms right up quickly .
Not necessarilly quitely , however .
ANYWAY , possible to get exhaust tune overideing / enhanceing combustion chamber timeing . Wonder it didnt blow .

Theres Normally reasons for engine malfunctions , in a rational ordered universe . WARP FACTOR SIX , Scotty .
Now regard ' unreliability ' myths as that . And insulting comeing from Hinkley Triump . Their pen slipped , :?:

Incedently ,Apprilla V4 Ex Ferrari top engine designer for F's V8s . Maybe we'll get a 2 litre V8 Aprilla next ? :P :idea: Transvers e,
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

The fuel for all gas powered vehicles at Speedweek must be purchased from the one and only fuel supplier there. You have a few choices of octane but you have to show up with the tank empty and the fuel guy then seals the tank by placing duct tape on the gas cap. He then paints fingernail polish on the edges of the tape. If this is disturbed you will be disqualified. When you qualify for a record you must go to impound and have your fuel checked. They take a sample and test it. If you pass and everything else is approved you go make a record run. If you back it up and set a record you then go back to impound and have your fuel checked again. You also tear down the motor so it can be measured for the proper displacement. You can not be over 750cc.

No additives, no nitro pills no nothing. The Southern California Timing Association is the best run racing organization we compete with. Go here and check out the rules

Come on out and prove how fast your Norton is.
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

Yes , appologies for the degressions . Just dealing with the chap who landed on his head . see that you dont .

Obviously a highly Commendable effort . equates to 140 at sea level , and a bike to be proud off , show or go .
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

Landed on his head, Matt? I guess he was lucky it wasn`t the road he landed on, but that`ll teach him to dislocate it , anyhow...
Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

competition said:
That was an impressive run ! In that class no fairing is allowed, which makes it even more impressive. The Salt Flats are at about 4300 ft above sea level. The atmospheric conditions add about another 1500 ft. It is a challenge to get the carbs set up to run at that altitude. However, last year at the BUB meet a Triumph 750 P-PP ran 129.6 Mph . Big D Cycles has been after that record over the last few years and held the record which I believe is on the number plate of Randy's Bike.
Density altitude here this week at the BUB Bonneville meet got over 8,000 feet at times, according to the track announcer. As I recall, it was more like 6300 feet yesterday when I was helping my friend sort out his new Moto Guzzi powered sidecar streamliner. Atmospheric conditions can change drastically from hour to hour, making carb jetting a real challenge. Now that they are affordable, I see a lot more bikes running with O2 sensors in the pipe and a small data logger. Makes jetting much easier. I'm fitting one to my Norton this year, and looking forward to using it. Should be quite educational.

Re: Norton 750 breaks world speed record

I see that you have now admitted to the H2"s marginal frame :lol:

J.A.W. said:
I`ve hammered big Jappers[& modern Triumph equivalents] down the freeway - redlining them though the gears, [new ones are speed limited nowadays], but tunnel vision phenomena notwithstanding, it was like flying compared to say, maxing out a high geared H2 in top & having A, the front lift alarmingly over rises in the road, or B, having a wicked lock-to-lock tankslapper occur over other road irregularites [but pull straight again: stat,- amazingly] , that kind of thing would get the old ticker going a bit more rapidly for while...
Congratulations. That is HUGE speed for a production class bike.
Thanks for posting about it Jim.

Bonneville is a "bucket list" place.

When the machines are In the pits you spectate with your eyes.
When they are on the track, you spectate with your ears.

You can't forget listening to the struggle for traction.

You hear the pitch of the engines change with wheel slip, they slowly add throttle, trying to lay down the power, slowly gaining speed, only to lose all the gain as the engine quickly gains Rs in a moment of slippage. Then they start again, slowly accelerating . . . . . . until they run out of salt.
Bill, I have never claimed that H2s were the best steering or handling devices in their day, but the fact remains that if properly ridden, the ROADHOLDING was perfectly adequate for allowing them see off all contemporaries -as shown by that Dec `72 Cycle superbike showdown, - you HAVE read it , right?
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