Like SteveC said probably OK.
I was farting around flipping my ignition switch off an on real quick the other day and got fire on the left cylinder and little puff of smoke out of the air cleaner on that side. It's a Boyer MkIII and still works fine. I am swapping it up to a MkIV for he heck of it though.
Something that I am telling myself I have run into since resurrecting my old desert sled is the fuel I'm buying now seems to completely evaporate in the combustion chambers and in the intake tract much quicker than it did 30 years ago. If I let my bike sit more than 4 days, it is a PITA to start. It takes considerably more than 2 kicks to get fuel back into the combustion chambers. In my case the issue is fuel related, and has nothing to do with spark. I'm using Mikuni carburetion. Amals probably wouldn't have exactly the same issue because of the tickler feature. However, if your plugs show dry soot and have no odor of fuel, there may not be enough fuel getting into the combustion chamber to light a fire.
I know how the Mikuni choke is supposed to work for anyone that has the need to tell me how it works. I have low vacuum for a variety of reasons so it does take some extra kicking. Plus my right leg is not 18 years old anymore, so my kicks are kind of whimpy.