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These days I trash all that stuff and install the single axel. Doesn't cost much more than the parts you may need to change, and you already have the sealed bearing. The dummy axel, felts, retainers, and PITA bearing spacer all go in the trash. Adding or removing a half link in your chain (if possible) would likely get you away from the damaged area of the swingarm. Of course, a little welding or even brazing would fix it as well.I confirmed the shim washer was present on stub axle one removed.
Yes the flats of stub axle were cocked in the SA slot, and the loading from the axle nut torque must have forced the deforming of slot and corners of flats.
Will see how much it can be cleaned up, file or dremel. The stub was jammed in place tightly and needed lots of drifting to get it out of slot. There are some damaged threads on stub where it contacted SA slot on way out I guess (had the nut on left end to protect those thread while knocking with deadblow hammer).
If you want to stick with stock and can't find someone in CA to give you one let me know - I should have a good one, I can give you, but the postage is terrible.