So guys, I went and had a look.
I didn't have the compression tool, so I payed attention at the kickstarting procedure and it revealed what you told me L.A.B., you can feel the compression going up in the two chambers through the lever.
It's not pristine, it has some rust to it, a nick on the tank (there is what looks like blue paint under the black one...).
The steering lock is missing.
The owner showed me the separate oil tank, the cap (or the pipe next to it) is not properly sealed and the whole tank is wet with oil.
He says it needs some new gaskets there.
The engine was not cleaned before inspection and didn't show any oil leaks after it run for a while.
It started easily when cold, the kickstarter needing my whole weight (63kg) and some energy added to it.
There is no choke on the bike, but the original amals are there.
Frame, engine and gearbox numbers match.
I needed to hold the throttle a bit open for it not to stall, even as it was getting warm... The owner said it stalls if left to itself at idle, even when warm.
The gearbox worked pretty well (on the central stand, since the bike is not registered I couldn't take it for a ride).
I had the feeling fourth gear had some noise to it when releasing the clutch (very heavy!), like it wasn't engaged properly and the gears were slowly grinding (like when shifting on a car not properly depressing the clutch pedal) but it could have been something else.
I tried to stay composed and keep a "professional" attitude, but I just fell in love with it!

That sound, those exhausts, that tank... Damn man!