New lock ring for rear hub doesn't fit?

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Based on Dyno Dave's reply, I think we're down to one mystery.

That is, should the bearing on the cush drive side be sticking out from the hub casting like it shows in the picture? It's sticking out .058".
My bearings both came from Andover as direct replacements for the originals.

040100 is single row in hub x2 6203
NM17721 double row in drum x1 special
Did ANIL ship what you specified? What did you specify?
Another mystery solved. Best I can tell, the guy who installed it didn't get the cush drive side bearing pressed in all the way down to stop on the spacer.

I heated the cush drive side of the hub to 200f, and pulled the bearing out and checked it. Pulled the spacer and checked it against the old one. Spot on.

Heated the lock ring side of the hub. Then tightened the lock ring to make sure that bearing was seated (it was).

Then reinstalled the spacer and cush drive side bearing tapping it home with a nicely fitting socket (with the heat, it took almost no force). It now sits recessed in the hub as Norton intended.

One mystery left! lol. Andover shows two washers separating the felt from the bearing. But both part numbers (30 & 45) point to the same object on the diagram. The manual refers to a single "felt retaining washer". I have both. I just want to know if I need both (or even one with these new sealed bearings), and if I need both, what order do they go in?

New lock ring for rear hub doesn't fit?
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Another mystery solved. Best I can tell, the guy who installed it didn't get the cush drive side bearing pressed in all the way down to stop on the spacer.


One mystery left! lol. Andover shows two washers separating the felt from the bearing. But both part numbers point to the same object on the diagram. I have both. I just want to know if I need both (or even one with these new sealed bearing), and if I need both, what order do they go in?

The '45' for that item I think is wrong. That's for the dummy axle as also shown on the diagram (and marked as '1 item' on the parts list).

The correct item I believe is 30 (06-2071) and strictly no longer necessary (or the felt) with the sealed bearing.
If you have a sealed bearing on the speedo end you don't need the felt but still need the spacer
On the drive end you don't need the felt or retainer

Your next problem is the spacer against the bearing in the last pix.
IMO it should be hardened but is probably not.
I had to make my own and harden them.
if soft...they yield under load and the axle loosens and might break and all that garbage...
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Dyno Dave, does anyone make a hardened version of the spacer? I'm assuming it's both spacers? The one at the center of the drum/sprocket and the one between the speedo drive and the swing arm?

Are you saying I can omit all three of the parts that create the seal on the cush drive side? The "dished washer", the felt, and the "felt retaining washer"?

I have new ones of them. Should I just install them anyway?
You will see after a time of use the inner hub bearing (inner race) will dent the adjacent soft spacer from the dummy axle.
I had thought old ones were hard so ...not that long ago I bought several from my AN supplier, and sent them all back after a hardness test yeilded oatmeal mush.
I didn't have time to try and find good ones, so I made my own from O1 tool steel. More locations might help too. The old inner one was the worst and I moved on to other tasks.
I wouldn't bother with non functioning discs and felts
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