New drum/sprocket replacement problem

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Feb 28, 2012
Hey folks. Got a question...Getting my '74 Commando ready recently, I decided I was due for a new rear chain. Upon looking a bit more I decided a new drum/ sprocket was also in order. Would have been a good idea to order a new counter sprocket, too, but I didn't. Anyways, I've never had to change the drum/sprocket before. Been all around it....change linings, new chains, etc. So, I got it off, emptied it of the brake plate and then things slowed down. How do i get the internals ( bearing, circlip, etc) out of the old one. From the 3-paddled side I got the dished washer thing out, then a felt washer and do I get the rest out. The bearing spacer spins but won't come out, and the other piece I can see is some sorta large flat washer. I'm assuming it hides a circlip and then a bearing....At a lose. Can't seenm to get any further. I "friend" of mine suggested giving it a mallet wack or two to loosen it up. I didn't feel too confident about that so I didn't. haha! here I am. Suggestions?...I have a manual, but it only gets up to the point I'm at, already. Go figure.
The bearing spacer can be a real pain. I have had best luck by clamping the spacer in a vice and using a deadblow hammer to smack the drum, rotate it 180 degrees and smack it again, etc. It will eventually give way. Then pry out the thin flat washer (spacer). Sometimes you have to sacrifice this washer or try drilling a couple holes and use a couple self-tapping screws to grip and pull it out. Then you can get to the circlip that retains the bearing. With that removed, screw the axle nut back on the stub axle and use a block of wood and a hammer to drive out the bearing with the stub axle.
Thanx guys! Haha!....I just came in to post a link I found. The one just posted above...That's what I was looking for! "Commando Woarkshop Manual Companion"- brilliant. Cheers.
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