Hey folks. Got a question...Getting my '74 Commando ready recently, I decided I was due for a new rear chain. Upon looking a bit more I decided a new drum/ sprocket was also in order. Would have been a good idea to order a new counter sprocket, too, but I didn't. Anyways, I've never had to change the drum/sprocket before. Been all around it....change linings, new chains, etc. So, I got it off, emptied it of the brake plate and then things slowed down. How do i get the internals ( bearing, circlip, etc) out of the old one. From the 3-paddled side I got the dished washer thing out, then a felt washer and then.....how do I get the rest out. The bearing spacer spins but won't come out, and the other piece I can see is some sorta large flat washer. I'm assuming it hides a circlip and then a bearing....At a lose. Can't seenm to get any further. I "friend" of mine suggested giving it a mallet wack or two to loosen it up. I didn't feel too confident about that so I didn't. haha!....so here I am. Suggestions?...I have a manual, but it only gets up to the point I'm at, already. Go figure.