According to Roy Bacon's list 1414xx is one of those in between numbers, late 70. 141717 is the last FB MKII production of Jan 71. 135088 is the last S. These bikes have registration dates at least a year behind the production date. Mine was made in Apr 69, but registered as a 70.
Looking at the center stand mount it looks like it's off the frame. I sort of wonder if it's a 71 or so prod. date that didn't get sold until 72 or even 73, but who's to know. There's too much of the 68 to 70 stuff on it though, the oil tank, center stand (frame) and halo. It could have been a very, very late 70 Roadster that got registered or sold very late.
Any others with ideas?
It really doesn't matter much, it's a Norton for sure.
The 69/70 front tires were 3.10-19. The front fender, bridge and stays would preclude anything much larger. It was typical to get rid of those tight front mudguards.
That frame brace right below the sump plug is a dead give away for the early frame, definitely a 70 (production date) frame.