Britfan60 said:
Damn, man. I could have loaned you a cool red rain jacket. Hope the weather cleared. That first ride will make your cheeks hurt from smiling.
What I needed was a cool red rain jacket for the SF. I do not mind getting wet, but I was not going to have the first test ride "foul" that beautiful new bike LOL.
The weather did clear yesterday afternoon (well at least enough for a ride) My next problem was I have no plate for the bike. Now, I am not saying I have ever switched plates on a bike, because that would be illegal. And, all my plate are designated antique (Blue plates in Florida), and even if I switched plate (which would be illegal) nobody (especially the keen eye of a law enforcement officer) would believe the SF was a antique motorcycle.
So I was condemned to riding laps around the loop which is my neighborhood. This loop is approximately 1/4 mile in length. I put 10 miles on the bike at under 40 miles per hour, and never over 3500 RPM. You do the math on number of times I circled the neighborhood.
This is a neighborhood that is mostly accountants, lawyers, business professionals (other than me, a machine shop owner, and my neighbor across the street, who is the sales manager at the Harley dealership) So I am sure by the end of my test ride, the neighbors had confirmed their opinion that the crazy old guy, with a garage full of motorcycles, was completely out of his mind.
But, Britfan, you are correct, my cheeks did hurt from smiling so much