My Commando conundrum

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Finally got the bike started, after much popping & backfiring, it finally fired up on half choke. It ran rough for around 30 secs & then settled down. I've no idea why a 4500 klm trip in the back of a truck would cause a bike to do that, & any ideas would be appreciated. This is a clip of it's 2nd start up, which was ridiculously easy. I'll see how hard it is to start cold tomorrow
If it does that again, new spark plugs would be a good place to start.
If it does it again again, fresh fuel would be another good step.

Beyond that, hope that these cure it.
Oh, and enjoy.... !
Joy & happiness to all Creation. Peace & good will to all. Excelsior in the Highest!
My missing Fork Leg turned up! Thank you Jesus. Than you Budha. Thank you Yoda.
My Stocker's back on track for it's rebuild, & all is well in my world, as I hope it is in yours.
Haleelujah Brothers! Can I get a Witness? :-D
I say do what ever gets your nipples stiff !! Hell
We don't NEED any motorcycles for real.... But this is s hobby,diversion,obsession call
It what you will and won't but for my two cents worth at this point in my life my time is far more precious than any amount of money,it seems like a win/win to me you have your stock commando and one to
"Personalize " besides who cares what others think... At the end of the day you've got to be happy !! One bike...two bikes... A dozen bikes ! What do "they" say... One is too many...and a thousand never enough !!!! Go for it and keep us posted
zefer said: this point in my life my time is far more precious than any amount of money........ At the end of the day you've got to be happy !!!! Go for it and keep us posted
+ 1 :wink:
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