interesting that you mention that. that 650 race bike runs a CR of 11.75, and after the first few runs at 38 BTDC, i took the head off and found this:
detonation was pecking the carbon off on the side away from the plug. i solved the detonation problem with 10mm plugs:
^^^this is the 1972 9 1/2-bolt (T140 casting) race head. i run a fixed advance ARD magneto at 30 BTDC, and it's been trouble-free. 10mm plugs.
this next one is the 1972 9-bolt (T120 casting) street bike with the boyer that sparked this conversation:
this one has 12mm plugs an th eboyer is currently set at 30 BTDC based on testing. the initial advance is therefore 8 degrees retarded, and i'll be trying sto solve the problem with one of these, that came in th email yesterday: