I like that pencil eraser and polish trick. I’ll try that next time …My experience has been the brass seat has corrosion/varnish deposits, (that keep the needle from sealing) to cure I use Mother's Mag (fine abrasive metal polish on the end of a wooden toothpick, or wooden match. A small pencil eraser ( like from a mechanical pencil) sanded to a point, will do the trick also to polish that seat.
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View attachment 94376
As alternative to wasting your stock of mech pencil rubbers, i've used some Autosol polish on a Q-Tip end, other end in a power drill and then gave the valve seat a nice polish in a few seconds. This was on a Mk1 Amal but sounds similar on the MK2.I like that pencil eraser and polish trick. I’ll try that next time …
Good find!Update on the overflow issue: the brass overflow tube in the bowl had a large crack running down its length, which I identified by filling the bowl with water, capping the top of the tube, and blowing into the hose at the other end. I lightly sanded, fluxed, and soldered the crack and the issue appears to be resolved. On to the next thing!