MK3 rearsets n MK3 owners

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madass140 said:
a picture tells a 1000....
not having shafts 2 and 4 on the same plane is good engineering!!!, must be special gear cutting.

I'd say it was more to do with tooth backlash and the slackness of the splined fit of the cross-shaft and the gear. :wink:
L.A.B you didnt work for Norton??
I think the angles of the rearset parts is needed to clear the clutch cover hump. I'll do some more checking at daylight. 1:30am now.
madass140 said:
L.A.B you didnt work for Norton??

No. :shock: :lol:

madass140 said:
I think the angles of the rearset parts is needed to clear the clutch cover hump. I'll do some more checking at daylight. 1:30am now.

I can take more photos or give measurements if you need them.
MK3 rearsets n MK3 owners
Here are shots from the top of engine, you can see the timing side is further rear than the primary.

Looking down at primary. It may be hard to see but the lever has a slight twist done during manufacturing that corrects the offset issue.

Shot of your lever showing slight wear marks. So what ever you did on this batch is almost dead on.



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Don, I must correct what I said about the shift lever shaft being exactly 90 degrees to the frame line, as I now think Pete (Deets55) is right the lever shaft is not at exactly 90 degrees but is more in line with the cross-shaft than I originally thought so is about 2 - 3 degrees off.
thanks Pete for the pics, so the crossover shaft does NOT angle backwards when it gets to the other side as has been suggested. its forward.
And it appears the small exiting shift shaft in the outer primary is on the same plane or parallel with the crossover shaft, thats why my short vertical shift lever has the twist , to counter the + 90 degree shafts .
the short shaft seems to be exiting the primary at an angle.
madass140 said:
thanks Pete for the pics, so the crossover shaft does NOT angle backwards when it gets to the other side as has been suggested. its forward.

Yes, it's forward from the right side to the left, (sorry, I must have been thinking left to right before).
ok, here is a tricky one to measure. looking down , distance from the footrest mounting face on the Z plate to the outer end of the splined shift shaft.
the offset.
madass140 said:
thanks Pete for the pics, so the crossover shaft does NOT angle backwards when it gets to the other side as has been suggested. its forward.
And it appears the small exiting shift shaft in the outer primary is on the same plane or parallel with the crossover shaft, thats why my short vertical shift lever has the twist , to counter the + 90 degree shafts .
the short shaft seems to be exiting the primary at an angle.

I originally thought the shifter shaft came out at 90 degrees also, but it seems to follow the cross shaft angle. Primary side is forward and gearbox side is rearward. At the moment I can't mount the outer primary cover to give you the measurement you asked for but Les might be able to do that. I can probably give you the number from foot peg mount to end of cross shaft if that is helpful. I can also try and give you the angle of the shifter level by eye balling with a protractor.
Thanks Pete it is only the offset I was after which is no to important, I will just continue making the splined shift lever with the 2-1/2 degree twist in it like I always have. For sideways offset tuning,if you look at the 3rd pic of my original post you can see that I made my clevis's with offset slots, for sideways adjustment.
Rose joints on both ends would give you LOTS of angular alignment range.
rearsets are done Paul, there wont be any changes, The first batch of 30 I sold had no complaints, these are identical except different folding foot pegs.
madass140 said:
ok, here is a tricky one to measure. looking down , distance from the footrest mounting face on the Z plate to the outer end of the splined shift shaft.
the offset.

Well, if I've got it right this time, I make it just under 2 7/8" or 72.5mm.
MK3 rearsets n MK3 owners
Thanks Les perfect, thanks for taking the time to do this for me. and thanks to Pete and Muzz etc.
I have a set of Norman Hyde rear sets on my MKIII. I used a pair of heim joints and 1/4" stainless rod to remove some of the slop in the original Hyde linkage. That also cured the very slight misalignment where the gear change shaft exits the primary case.
Pete, not related to the rearsets but required info for another project. in your first pic "top.JPG (148.99 KiB) " looking down from above you can see one of the 3/8" crankcase eng mount studs just forward of the cross shaft. can you take a measurement from the center of the stud (nut) back to the center of the crossover shaft where it passes thru the cradle (right side)?
Don, thank you for taking all the time, making all the effort, and spending all the money required to produce these MkIII rearsets.

You are doing the entire MkIII owner community a very fine service in doing it RIGHT, and I know your prices are ALWAYS very fair.
madass140 said:
Pete, not related to the rearsets but required info for another project. in your first pic "top.JPG (148.99 KiB) " looking down from above you can see one of the 3/8" crankcase eng mount studs just forward of the cross shaft. can you take a measurement from the center of the stud (nut) back to the center of the crossover shaft where it passes thru the cradle (right side)?


Measured with a steel rule so these numbers are rough. Not much room to get in there and measure. This is not to scale. If someone has a MKIII cradle they could do a better job. hope it helps.



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