mk3 gearbox problems

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May 9, 2010
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hi , can anyone help me on a problem with my commanad mk3 gearbox , i can get 1st and 2nd gear (not easy) but cant shift up to 3rd and 4th , where should i start looking first ! any help much aprishiated .
bigspyke , lanark scotland
Could you give us a bit more background information?

Is this a recent problem? Did the problem occur suddenly, or is it something that has slowly got worse?

Or has it always been like that? If so, then the quadrant could be incorrectly timed to the camplate?

Is there much up/down slack at the end of the gearchange pedal? As the Mk3 cross shaft mechanism often gets sloppy which can make gear selection difficult at times.
hi , thanks for getting back , the bike has been rebuilt but before the rebuild i had a look i the box as shifting was hard , but at that time i was getting all gears (but not great) how do i time the quadrant to the camplate ,in case i have put it back i the wrong location . cheers graham bell
hi , is it possible to access the camplte and quadrent when the primary and cluch are still on the bike . cheers graham
bigspyke said:
is it possible to access the camplte and quadrent when the primary and cluch are still on the bike .

Yes I think so. If I remember correctly, once the inner cover and enough gears have been removed to allow the selector forks to be withdrawn from the camplate, it should then be possible to rotate the camplate far enough until the quadrant drops out of mesh with the camplate gear. The camplate and quadrant can then be re-engaged in a different (and hopefully correct) position, that's assuming that they are in fact mistimed?

Always check that all four gears can be selected once the inner cover is fitted (by levering the quadrant from 1st to 4th) before replacing the outer cover.
hi , i have stripped and checked my gearbox , camplate and quadrant and rebuilt , and can select all 4 gears with the outer cover off , do i need to have the gearbox in a certain gear to fit the outer cover, and what position should the selector ratchet be in , i have tried the cover on but cannot select all the gears , any help appreciated .
bigspyke said:
i have stripped and checked my gearbox , camplate and quadrant and rebuilt , and can select all 4 gears with the outer cover off , do i need to have the gearbox in a certain gear to fit the outer cover,

It shouldn't matter.

bigspyke said:
and what position should the selector ratchet be in

The ratchet plate should be positioned so the pin engages with the knuckle pin roller (ball shaped roller on a Mk3).

Make sure the ratchet spring is fitted correctly with the cranked leg at the bottom and adjusted as described in the Old Britts article:
mk3 gearbox problems
Are you also rotating the gearbox maln shaft or sleeve gear as you attempt to change gear, as selection of all gears may be difficult otherwise?
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