MK3 gearbox kickstart seal

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Dec 9, 2012
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I am at an impasse on the kickstart outer cover seal… I have a service manual and parts book which are apparently wrong for a MK3…I have read that the seal is installed from the outside of the outer cover. After hours of frustrations, I finally got the outer cover installed…I don’t see how to install the seal… Anyone have a photo of the installed seal….MK3 only please… or know where I can obtain the changes in the service manual/parts manual that are correct for a MK3…
Anyone have a photo of the installed seal….MK3 only please…

Not of the installed seal but here's where it goes:
MK3 gearbox kickstart seal

...or know where I can obtain the changes in the service manual/parts manual that are correct for a MK3…

Mk3 manual:
Riders manual:
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Are they pressed in…the seals I have are about a 1/16” smaller outside diameter so there is no press in fit…green locktite …different seal?
Are they pressed in…the seals I have are about a 1/16” smaller outside diameter so there is no press in fit…green locktite …different seal?

It sounds like you could have the wrong seal.

Edit: Note that the parts diagram shows the seal in the wrong (pre-Mk3) position.
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I have ordered the seal from 3 different vendors…got the same seal from each. I can pull the seal out with my finger nail


  • MK3 gearbox kickstart seal
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I just put a seal in last week. It didn't fall in or out but it wasn't what I call a press fit. I set it in Yamaha Bond. I got mine a a bearing house. Measure yours give a bearing house the dimensions and ask for a double lip seal, they'll fix you up!
Might try the Yamaha bond…the locktite is so thin it runs out…I’ll stop by a bearing store and pickup a larger diameter if it starts to leak…
Thanks to all,
Spare Mk3 cover and new seal that would definitely have to be pressed in.
MK3 gearbox kickstart seal
Can I trouble you to measure the OD on that seal…just to see if I have been receiving the correct one…I could see that seal working
Might try the Yamaha bond…the locktite is so thin it runs out…I’ll stop by a bearing store and pickup a larger diameter if it starts to leak…
Thanks to all,

The only Loctite product that might work there (and you would have to be careful with the application of it) is 660, certainly not any of the locking/retaining products.
I do not know what seal goes there (imperial no doubt) but if the bore is to big an ID for whatever reason it might be worth measuring it for a possible metric fit seal.

Knowing the actual ID of the bore on your cover would help.
It almost sounds like you have an incorrect seal and only comparison measurements will help there.
Perhaps the cover has been machined to accept a different seal, metric or similar?

Definitely worth measuring the cover and checking out the options at your bearing supplier IMHO.
The only Loctite product that might work there (and you would have to be careful with the application of it) is 660, certainly not any of the locking/retaining products.
I do not know what seal goes there (imperial no doubt) but if the bore is to big an ID for whatever reason it might be worth measuring it for a possible metric fit seal.

Knowing the actual ID of the bore on your cover would help.
It almost sounds like you have an incorrect seal and only comparison measurements will help there.
Or a P.O. buggered up the fit and bored it out a little to fit a bigger O.D. seal ?
Or a P.O. buggered up the fit and bored it out a little to fit a bigger O.D. seal ?

This was my politically correct for that. 'but if the bore is to big an ID for >whatever< reason' :)

With an ID and OD now posted it will be an easy (with the necessary measuring tools) bore and seal ID/OD check.
Maybe for some reason it was modified for a metric seal in the past., the surface finish in the bore might be a clue (or not)

Seals should be press home and forget. (preferably with a stepped tool same as used on the crankshaft end seal to avoid distorting the body > imho)
Okay…I am an idiot… measured seal OD…1.44… tried tapping on seal with a deep well socket and it popped right in…just wasn’t pushing it far enough into the bore. I was thinking it should be close to flush in the outer case… about an eighth of an inch countersunk in cover.
Thanks for all the help!
Okay…I am an idiot… measured seal OD…1.44… tried tapping on seal with a deep well socket and it popped right in…just wasn’t pushing it far enough into the bore. I was thinking it should be close to flush in the outer case… about an eighth of an inch countersunk in cover.
Thanks for all the help!
Yes , it's a tight fit. You are not an idiot . I've banged my head on a wall several times . Proceed .
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