Mk 3 Oil Tank Vent Mod for Mikuni

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Dec 1, 2006
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Hi All,

My apologies if I have missed a thread with this info but I couldn't find one with quite the concise answer.
I am giving my bike a mini "birthday".
I have a Mk 3 with 36mm Mikuni. To date I have been running the oil tank breather to a small K&N type filter located just forward of the battery but it lets some oil vapour through and gets pretty messy back there. I bought the bike as a basket case in bits and the PO used to run it to a small plastic juice bottle - also messy.
From what I can see in the diagram in the manual the original setup was to run to a seperator with the vapour going into the low side of the carbs (into air filter?) and the liquid output going into the manifolds via a T piece. End result is it all ends up in the combustion chamber anyway - so why seperate?
The K&N filter for the 36mm is quite deep compared to the thinner one on 34mm (larger volume and filter surface area).
Is there any reason why I shouldn't just run the the breather from the oil tank straight into the rear face of the filter? Pros? Cons?

Thanks in advance,

That is what I did on my MKIII with a Mkuni. I installed a barbed fitting into the rear of the filter for the hose. Works like a champ!
'74 with a single 34mm Mickey; not as much room fore-to-aft as the '75, so I merely "aim" the vent hose down into the pleats of the K&N. Not ideal, but I get just a hint of dust buildup in the local area, suggesting that the bulk of oil vapors are, in fact, being drawn into the intake.

Thank you guys! Will do. The forum is such a great resource. The collective knowledge and wisdom is invaluable.
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