For what its worth, I went nuts a while back sorting a misfire at idle. Engine was lumpy at idle, no amount of carb fettling would fix. I never suspected ignition, cause I expected that to show at at normal rpm more. Eventually I got me a leakdown tester, and guess what after buggering around for weeks and even replacing the Amal bodies I had a leaky exhaust valve. With the LD tester on and about 50psi I stuck my palm over the end of the peashooter and after leaving it there for a moment and then removing I could hear and fell a whooomp of air. So now that you are at this stage if you can get a LD tester, I would add it to the tool kit. Really useful gadget.
foot note.
A couple of years on to present time, experienced similar crappy idle, took me a week or to think about doing another leak down. And another leaky exhaust valve, so that prompted me to tear her right down, this time a new set of PM black diamond valve, springs etc. And als doing the JS eng light pstons and doing first rebore.
anyway, a process of elimination, just folow the steps and don't get bogged down with only ingredient, from my experience I noticed the leaky valve shows up most markedly at idle speeds, than general running.
Cheers Richard