Its not uncommon to have intermittent conduction that is rpm-vibe &/or temp sensitive so can't rest till everything in ignition paths gone through.
3 yr ago Wes & I missed comnoz and many others at Texas L.O.Pines hauling ass through wet Mt. twisties besting ahead of approaching major cold storm fronts till 100 miles Wes needed a gas stop so floods caught and delayed us but got going again fine for 10 miles then his died. We tore into it finding boyah wires frayed but abke to fix and start to die quick again so back in to find a poor power terminal that allowed another 4 miles before dead again.
So in light rain mid 40's painful fingers dug in again to find a loose red ground terminal which got him going for another mile, at which point day too shot so decided to turn tail but only got 15 mile till dead. Kicked our asses off, many folks stopping to 'help' but gave up on a fix so Wes called wife to get him after work ~125 mile away. We sat in rain an hour or so when I decided we'd prayed or cussed enough and it kicked off to make 40 more miles steep climbing phase up Ozark Plateau, Wes leading well beyond sight in the twisties - ugh he passes me coasting down dead to a wide spot a few miles back where we waited hrs for his wife till dark dusk.
Pure wishful magic thinking I made Wes try one more time - surprise it ran and ran so we headed out and Wes made it 80 miles back home. He had to walk it up miles of muddy climb but was able to keep it idling lugging slipping to help him push it up and up and up - for hours - falling a few times but got it back up running. I also got mud slapped down to call him hours later with him just getting in ok. About a week later he found the last loose red earth contact on frame deep in but ran fine since.
So part of why I say this is a real man's hobby as it tested our wisdom to ride out of state on antiques into pre-winter storms then our wits and endurance plus taking wife's put out mood.