BitchinBeezer said:Would the "professional" engine builders please chime in & tell me if I'm doing this right & whether either of those combos would be streetable?
I'm Sorry, Bitch.
BitchinBeezer said:Would the "professional" engine builders please chime in & tell me if I'm doing this right & whether either of those combos would be streetable?
comnoz said:how well the ports deliver the atomized fuel are only a few of them.
I would start with about 10-1 static and tune from there. Jim
BitchinBeezer said:comnoz said:how well the ports deliver the atomized fuel are only a few of them.
I would start with about 10-1 static and tune from there. Jim
Assuming the 10:1 CR Stage 1 combo, could you provide some input on a poor man's options as far as cylinder head work & whether 3mm ovesized intake valves W/port work would be a benefit.
While I understand the advantages of the "Fullauto" heads, they are out of the question due to the cost. What would be a less expensive alternative.
I had excellent results W/my 86 in Panhead when I installed 1/8" oversize intake valves (leaving the exhaust std) & opening up the bowls & doing some minor port work. An 1 7/8" S&S intake manifold was used ti feed the intake charge. I used the same combination on an otherwise stock 62 FLH W/likewise substantial power gain.
Perhaps the Stage 1 Maney cylinder head?
hobot said:Effective squish is said to disappear about .045" and above. A 750 head adapted to 920 jugs leaves a squish ring over 3/8" wide in places so definitely worth getting squish close with piston to help stifle detonation. Might even be enough to allow a Singh Groove or two to function.
Water/methanol injection was used in WW II in the Pratt & Whitney R2800 (among others) for "emergency power".hobot said:The main man on octane vs detonation is Richardo's work that also discovered water helps the burn make mo power. After that research on each particular engine type and set up is needed or just restricted to being conservative following general rule of thumbs in building. A fast burn hi compression chamber may need less octane than slower burn lower CR chamber, then throw in the craft's mass and its gearing and etc etc. I bet if I can find a way to detect ping before its human ear audible in Norton's we may be surprised on what a hot tuned and run Norton can tolerate.
acotrel said:I don't understand what this topic is about. Is the bike intended for some kind of illegal street racing ? If it is to be used for touring, you need to accomodate lower grade fuels, so must be conservative with comp. ratios. And why would you do the hot-up on a street bike anyway ? If you start fitting larger valves and start porting the head, you could destroy mid-range power, and a race cam is unnecessary. If you are going to race the bike in AMA controlled competition, do the tuning with the rule book in your hand. I only ever use methanol fuel, the bike could never be used on public roads, it doesn't even have a kick starter or a generating circuit. I suggest you need to make a decision about what end purpose you intend for your bike,
BitchinBeezer said:acotrel said:I don't understand what this topic is about. Is the bike intended for some kind of illegal street racing ? If it is to be used for touring, you need to accomodate lower grade fuels, so must be conservative with comp. ratios. And why would you do the hot-up on a street bike anyway ? If you start fitting larger valves and start porting the head, you could destroy mid-range power, and a race cam is unnecessary. If you are going to race the bike in AMA controlled competition, do the tuning with the rule book in your hand. I only ever use methanol fuel, the bike could never be used on public roads, it doesn't even have a kick starter or a generating circuit. I suggest you need to make a decision about what end purpose you intend for your bike,
In your mind people that do any performance upgrades on a sstreet bike are foolish then?
If you don't have anything constructive to contribute, why are you wasting your time reading & posting?
pete.v said:I'm getting that old familiar feeling.
On second thought. perhaps you should consider a different therapist.pete.v said:I think it's time you pull the trigger. Make sure you press it up against your temple