Mark 3 verses the rest

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The MK3 YTX 14AHl-BS battery I have in the Combat was about 10 years old before I filled and charged it. It because of it's age it never got to the full volts of a new battery,. But the old YTX sealed battery rated at 12 AH , weights 11.1 Lbs and spins up the CNW Estart on the Combat OK and has the OEM Charging system in it.

I was surprised the 10 year old battery once filled still took a charge, although it needed more time on the charger and did not charge like the new one I brought for my MK3. I got many years of use from these batteries in my MK3 with the original starter motor in it.

A Plus is because of it's smaller size, I have room to put in my catch can for the oil tank breather, that I like to use.

Battery Details:​

Battery Type:YTX14AH-BS
Battery Family:Fresh Pack, Maintenance Free
Capacity (10-HR):12
Dimensions:5 5⁄16 in. x 3 1⁄2 in. x 6 9⁄16 in.
Weight:11.1 lbs.
Metric Dimensions:134mm x 89mm x 166mm
Acid Volume:0.66 oz
Mark 3 verses the rest
FWIW: If you want a small batt, I've had excellent service - almost 10 years now - from an 18 Shorai Li Fe. Leaves plenty of room in the battery box for whatever, weighs just a couple of pounds and spins my Alton E-start engine like it has no spark plugs in it.
Please let us know the results :) I fitted RGM black caps eleven years ago, but just this month swapped them side to side as one was starting to show pits in the chrome along the top of the silencer. T'other side and both underneath still fine, though.
I prefer a quiet bike, but they do have a satisfying bellow when you wind on :)
Hi, Ok, i finally got time to swap in the new RGM UK made "Black caps", But they should now be called "chrome caps" as the ends are chrome. In my shaded garage from the rear the chrome caps looked like two shiney mirrors reflecting at me. ( It might be a good thing as the cars in the back might see them from a mile away day or night?? ) Any ways they are well made and fit ok, the OD is about .200" smaller than the OD of the oem muffs. Oddly with a Db gauge they had similar Db readings , but on the road you can't hear them, It's odd just to hear the wind noise you hear with a full face helmet. But I'm pretty sure they take some of the Punch of the hopped up MK3 and do as other suspect, as far as less power. But My oem Black caps can be put on if I need to get her up to racing form.
But As I like to drive noise free so I don't unset people enjoying the out doors, I Don't feel the need for speed all the time.. Just a quiet ride thru rural neighborhoods and some friendly waves from people who see a Commando for the first time in a long time..
One big plus was the cost was reasonable Carl H.

PS,, All chrome will pit and it needs to be cleaned . I like the old time chrome cleaners to get them spiffed up.
I forgot the pictures, here they are! carl h


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I bought a similar set from RGM, but they are open on the back end. I carefully cleaned the chrome “caps” and spray painted them with a high heat semi-gloss. I’m on my second season and far they are holding up. The open ends sound similar to the Dunstall (real) Decibels I removed.
'But My oem Black caps can be put on if I need to get her up to racing form.'

So apart from noise reduction (and colour!!) the copies don't come near OE for performance??? Are you still using balanced pipes too??
Here is an old thread on MK3 changes from earlier bikes. I don't think we covered all of the changes, but the bulk are here.

'But My oem Black caps can be put on if I need to get her up to racing form.'

So apart from noise reduction (and colour!!) the copies don't come near OE for performance??? Are you still using balanced pipes too??
Yes I have OEM balanced pipes, But I know my OEM blackcaps are really rusted out internally and I had to repair the lower section with a SS plate I made to sleeve the rusted out lower outer section (cone shaped) . so I saw the guts of the muffs. The OD not being the same could really affect the OEM design. The MK3 does not rev as quick as before. I also have Emgo Pea shooters to try on balanced pipes. , but on unbalanced pipes they are loud with a capital L..
+1 on unbalanced real peashooters being LOUD. You can pussy foot about town easily enough but if you wack it out on the road the person you are passing will have the windows in their car shattered.
+1 on unbalanced real peashooters being LOUD. You can pussy foot about town easily enough but if you wack it out on the road the person you are passing will have the windows in their car shattered.
Real peashooters are fine noise wise, they have the scallops in the inner tube facing the engine pulling air into the outer chamber, its the later copies with the cheap perforated tube that are too loud.
My Lord! If the straight through perf pipes are louder than the scallops they must be terrifying! I have a set of stock LOOKING
meggas on my Trident and they are loud but not ear splittingly loud.
I just re fitted peashooters to mine cos they’re QUIETER than the 2:1 I was running!

Personally, I think they’re a good compromise, around town and on low throttle openings they’re quite subdued. It’s only when you open it up that they get loud.

Guess it shows how times have changed, after all they were stock OEM fitment in the early 70’s !
Hmm...I do not like loud exhausts on motorcycles (or cars) but I have never found the OEM peashooters to be "too loud." Then again, on motos I always wear ear plugs ... ;)
From what i know on the Emgo peashooters I brought a few years ago. the scallops face the proper way , (towards the engine), they are quite heavy ( not tinny) but they get loud, Even the RGM big bore pipe set is quite loud, and as I'm breaking it in I'm running the Combat at higher revs. My next step is to try a set of Emgo "Dunstall" type mufflers and if the come apart like the originals, I can add fiberglass or something similar to buffer them.. When I see people on the side of the road I put it 4th and coast by at lower RPMs.

But with the MK3 so silent , It will be my daily rider.

I'll get a friend to do some Db tests as I ride by on the street from a bout 25' away on both bikes at different RPMs. And change the MK3 from one to the other types of "black caps" I have.

I'd like to hear about a set of Andover black caps. And if the OD is the same as the OEM Norton ones from a MK3. I will do some more rides on the MK3 to see how I feel about the performance and sound of them while riding with the set up more as time permits.
They are only loud when you stick it into it, but if you just putter around they are quiet, when I built my Commando/Featherbed back in the early 80s I got my local exhaust shop to bend my new headers to fit the bike all tucked in to the frame and I run cocktail shaker mufflers with the baffles shorten, Ian who owned the exhaust shop did a great job and was a wiz with the mandle bender 30 minutes to bend and fit two headers and only charged me $20 and next door was a chrome shop also $20 to chrome, I am still running these headers after all these years, the cocktail shaker mufflers work so well on my hot 850 and are cheap to buy and sound great as well preforms so good and look great on the bike and are upswept at the rear.
But stick it into it it puts out a great sound if only a bit loud but I can remove the baffles and quiet it down more but around town its quiet so not to upset any one and the cops don't even look at me when passing.

I think the MK3 used to have something of a bad rep and was kinda the unwanted one for quite a while.

But it seems these days the electric start, and left foot ‘right way up’ gear change makes it a much easier bike to live with, especially as part of a stable of other more modern machines. The softer power delivery is also more fittting with ‘classic riding’ for the majority. Consequently I thinks it’s desirability, and therefore value, is on the up.
and riders are getting older so it’s attractions are more obvious!
and riders are getting older so it’s attractions are more obvious!
Good point.

But younger riders too perhaps?

I’d imagine that the ‘modern’ gear shift pattern, disc brakes (before they learn they’re poor) and electric start make a mk111 a serious contender for younger riders looking at retro machines.

The electric start is particularly useful as it prevents them getting their turn-ups caught whilst kick starting...

They’re not gonna be put off by the weight either as modern retros (as I’ve complained before) are all bloody heavy compared to the genre they’re imitating !
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