I would like to purchase one of these units, since I need a new throttle cable... looks like a quality made unit.
Didn't find this on Don's website, or any info on how to contact... Can someone help?
Are they back? I want to spend my money .all sold out, will try and get some more together early in the year
PM Don (madass140)Are they back? I want to spend my money .
Hi everyone,just been in touch with Don and he has been affected by Typhoon Odette. All services have been knocked out since Dec 16th and has asked for a few weeks at least for service to resume.As far I can tell he’s okay, has limited phone coverage. I’m sure we all wish him and the country gets back on its feet, especially hard at this time of year.Take care Paul.One thing to be aware of, and I'm sure others have found this out, too.
Setup (alignment) of your carbs on the manifolds and the alignment of the manifolds to the engine is VERY important. It is easy to get them just a little out, which can lead to distorting the carb bodies when all is tightened up. Not dissing the Don Pender Gantry, I have it installed correctly and it works great. It's just not "plug and play
sorted alignment out , no problem
Very Nice..sorted alignment out , no problem
Yes but due to typhoon damage 10 days ago, my house was damaged, here we have no elec, Internet, telecoms, water, gasoline, couriers, everything closed for a while yet, I spend my days searching for water and doing makeshift repairs to my house.PM Don (madass140)
In a time of plenty, it's easy to take for granted what we all have.Yes but due to typhoon damage 10 days ago, my house was damaged, here we have no elec, Internet, telecoms, water, gasoline, couriers, everything closed for a while yet, I spend my days searching for water and doing makeshift repairs to my house.
100, s dead probably more like 1000,s.
Bit of chaos here.