Lucas 9H horns - rivets

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Jul 18, 2009
Has anybody found replacements for the rivets used on the 9H horns? I know you can screw them together, but it'd be nice to be able to re-rivet them so the resto work doesn't show...

It was a long time ago but I'm pretty sure I got some of those rivets (eyelets) at McMaster-Carr. This was for a 6H horn for a Matchless where I cared more about originality. The Norton pipsqueak horn is in a box somewhere and I put in a real horn - a Stebel air horn. I've also seen these at Harbor Freight sold as Bad Boy horns under the Wolo brand name. To me the Lucas horn is just unsafe these days.
Yeah, that's a point. Mine didn't work when I first got the bike so I figured on restoring it - meanwhile I installed a modern clone, and it's like having a mouse squeak somewhere under the engine. I'll take a look and see if I can spot one of your horns. Meanwhile, the shop wants the ability to restore horns, so I'll have our parts man check out your rivet suggestion.

Thanks - Peter
Not only a Bad Boy - it's a Big Boy too - where'd you ever tuck it away? It's sure not going to fit in that little space in front of the rear fender...
If it's fierce enough I expect I'd find a place for it tho' - I pretty much never use the horn, but when you want it, you REALLY want it...
It does fit under there but just barely (in the same spot as the original horn). I left mine in one piece but you can separate the compressor from the horn portion and if I had to do it all over again I would do that. So far it has lasted 3 years. It is ridiculously loud. Think train horn!

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