after float bowl wrenching today here are my observations;
the stay up floats are pretty nice and makes level changes easy
as found float heights with old plastic and new unaltered stay ups were the same
very small bending causes big adjustments!
I had to lower the right side float below Amal recommended level because of fuel flooding
my needle seats to bowl edges were within tolerance
I had more flooding in the right side after assembly caused by a defect in the Viton seat on a brand new aluminum needle
nylon needles are just little different than the brass and aluminum ones, the brass and aluminum ones are made exactly the same
my before and after fuel levels taken by my level checkers were about the same and that is puzzling,(hard to get real precise measurements looking through a plastic fuel line).
the bike seems to run better ,could be more fuel availability or cooler weather
the tendency of the bike dying after coming off the highway and stopping is gone, but it is a ambient 20* difference
first photo is a composite of the "as found" float heights with different combinations of needles and floats
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