LeMay Vintage Motorcycle Festival Aug 23-24th

Apr 15, 2009
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Join us August 23 for an expected 450+ vintage motorcycles! Also browse vendors, entertainment, food, swap meet, used bike corral, and a group ride on Sunday. Tickets are just $20 for unlimited motorcycle/scooter entries.

The Festival
WHEN: Saturday, August 23
WHERE: LeMay- America's Car Museum, Haub Family ShowField

Swap Meet featuring Parts and Accessories
Trials Demonstrations
Judged classes and awards for the Concours
New Motorcycle Displays
Food Vendors
Seminars by Motorcycle Classics Magazine
Used Bike Corral - Bikes for Sale
Friday, August 22
9 am - 12 pm: showfield set up
12 - 6 pm: food tent, dealers and vendor set-up
12 - 8 pm: early arrival of out of town motorcycles and scooters
5 - 8 pm: pre-registration welcome party on Anderson Plaza
8 pm: judge's dinner
Saturday, August 23
Entertainment schedule to come
7:30 - 10 am: late registration
10 am - 12:30 pm: judging
12:30 - 1:30 pm: judge tallys
3 - 4 pm: awards presentation
Sunday, August 24
8 - 8:45 am: riders check in for 70+ mile ride
8:45 - 9 am: riders safety briefing and map distribution
9 - 10 am: riders depart in groups of 5 at 2 minute intervals
1 - 2 pm: riders arrive back at Museum for barbecue lunch
"The 3rd Annual Sunday Ride"
WHEN: Sunday, August 24, 8:00 a.m (First bikes out at 9:00 a.m.)
WHERE: LeMay- America's Car Museum Plaza
COST: $15 registration fee; Bar-B-Que lunch cost TBD

Includes a leisurely 80 mile, 3-hour loop ride around the Mt. Rainier Valley foothills. Return to ACM for a barbecue lunch.

Concours Entrant Fee is $20 per display, no charge for display motorcycles (unlimited quantity).
Used Bike Coral is $20 admission fee, no charge for motorcycle.
Swap Meet is $20 admission fee, includes 10x20' space. Additional 10x10' spaces are $10.
Sunday Ride is $15 and includes BBQ lunch.
LeMay Vintage Motorcycle Festival Aug 23-24th

LeMay Vintage Motorcycle Festival Aug 23-24th

LeMay Vintage Motorcycle Festival Aug 23-24th

From last year.