Lean running Combat

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The plugs with short or town drives I heartily agree with because at my age a Roadster saddle keeps them short and mine gobbles them relentlessly. I have fared a little better with the BP7EXI (whatever)resistor plugs for some unfathomable reason though.
Might try the idle mixture screw on the right a quarter turn out (leaner).

Ignore that remark above , if you have the pilot gas /air mixture correct leave it as it is.
Moving the needle up or down a whole notch may be slightly too much. I would try a brass washer under the clip first that lowers/rises half the amount for fine tuning, if required.
Bernhard - your approaches are wonderfully easy to understand and make sense. The pipes are new Interstate low pipes and appear to have little baffling. My riding is primarily commuting to the office three miles each way over surface roads, so the bike won’t get fully warmed up many times. I just bought a half dozen NGK BP6ES plugs so that I can tune with fresh plugs and keep a new set available. I suspect that I will be setting the needles back to the top clip per the manual as the plugs are somewhat rich now but I want to get some riding in first and check.
Bernhard - your approaches are wonderfully easy to understand and make sense. The pipes are new Interstate low pipes and appear to have little baffling. My riding is primarily commuting to the office three miles each way over surface roads, so the bike won’t get fully warmed up many times. I just bought a half dozen NGK BP6ES plugs so that I can tune with fresh plugs and keep a new set available. I suspect that I will be setting the needles back to the top clip per the manual as the plugs are somewhat rich now but I want to get some riding in first and check.
You have an oversized bike for the job. Engines don't like this treatment, if I was you I would ride the long way round, this will help clear the plugs etc.
You have an oversized bike for the job. Engines don't like this treatment, if I was you I would ride the long way round, this will help clear the plugs etc.
I know, but it just sounds so great and makes going to work bearable.
So much BS here.

Ben, is there anything non-stock about your Combat? The factory jetting and timing works very well with that motor unless it's modified.
If you can’t find a longer route to work , I suggest looking for new more distant employment .... 3 miles each way is at best pedal bike distance , “come on man”
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