The liners [finally] showed up yesterday.
Might be over-thinking this a bit. Run it a bit longer, see if it settles. My re-built 750 was a little ornery at first but spins like a top now. And no smoke.
I'm sure you guys have been loosing sleep over my Norton woes
Jim has the sleeves installed and bored to piston size, he thought he could just hone the oversize gudgeon pin hole required to fit the 920 gudgeon pins but found he will have to offset the bore to get them right requiring Jim to make a jig to hold the piston!!
All way above my pay grade but I'm happy that one of if not the best Norton engineer on the planet is on the case.
Going to be a winter rebuild at this stage, managed to get 2.5k done touring Scotland and another 3k on trips around Ireland, mostly on more modern bikes but I had the 1970 Triumph T100 out for a fair few spins, so the summer was far from a washout
More anon
Your idea of taking it for a hundred mile ride and then reassessing is a good one. Set the oil level (warmed up) to a known point before you ride off and measure after the ride to see if there is significant oil useage. It might achieve nothing other than another enjoyable ride on your Norton but it’s got to be worth the effort.
Thanks for the update, click. Not actually losing sleep, but I was thinking about you just yesterday, ya.
Don't quite understand why the 920 is presenting piston pin issues, but yes, you have the right guy on the job, for sure.
Please do keep us posted.