Kick start lever deflects on acceleration

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Jul 17, 2011
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What should I be looking for to fix this weirdness? My kickstarter deflects when I accelerate through the gears. It partially recoils as the speed levels and by 4th gear it returns. This problem just appeared and is accompanied by a squeek or squeal. Everything is fine with the gear shifting, the clutch and kick starting the bike. Is this a clutch adjustment issue?
The classic symptom of the Layshaft bearing going away. Transmission needs attention ASAP. Be VERY wary of riding th bike in that condition as if the bearing goes completely bad, it could lock the transmission and cause a nasty accident.

Lloyds-son thingy. Life is short so why make it shorter. Get yer ass into the gearbox with a 1200 Watt. heater and roast out that p.o.s.bearing and drop in the frozen roller layshaft puppy. Long life to all .
I checked my gearbox oil and discovered that it was seriously low. I put in a pint or more. I took a short ride through the neighborhood, the squeal/squeek is gone and no kick starter deflecting during acceleration. Do you think the layshaft bearing has been damaged?
lloyds-son said:
I checked my gearbox oil and discovered that it was seriously low. I put in a pint or more. I took a short ride through the neighborhood, the squeal/squeek is gone and no kick starter deflecting during acceleration. Do you think the layshaft bearing has been damaged?

It may have already been bad, this has certainly only made it worse. I can't emphasize enough how dangerous it can be when that bearing locks up. You owe it to your peace of mind to at least have a look and see if the dreaded Portuguese bearing is there.
Warnings are good. I will take off the gear box cover and investigate. What bearing am I looking for? Is it in the outer gear box or inner box? I have a shop manual - what page? what number is the part?
lloyds-son said:
Warnings are good. I will take off the gear box cover and investigate. What bearing am I looking for? Is it in the outer gear box or inner box? I have a shop manual - what page? what number is the part?

It's the lower bearing in the shell after you've removed all the gear clusters. The tell tale is Portugal stamped into the bearing shell. The cages disintegrate and cause major grief. The parts manual shows it in Group 7, layshaft bearing, part number 040100.
Caution - I've removed two and only one of those actually said "PORTUGAL" on it. If it's a ball bearing and not one of Mick Hemmings' special ball bearings, it should be replaced.
BrianK said:
Caution - I've removed two and only one of those actually said "PORTUGAL" on it. If it's a ball bearing and not one of Mick Hemmings' special ball bearings, it should be replaced.

That's good to know, mine was one of the ones stamped. If I hadn't seen the stamp I might have been tempted to just reassemble and ride.
All original layshaft bearings are suspect here. Portuguese were the worst. Get to work,should only take a day,Old Britts site shows how ,peace of mind follows.
Use the forums "Search" to read up on the layshaft issue. Go to Old Britts web site and they give a step by step on the gearbox. Don't put this off or be afraid to do it. I had never rebuilt a gearbox before & I did mine. And don't just think it's OK if you find a roller bearing or the correct replaced ball type. I found that mine HAD been replaced with a roller type already & almost left it in but then found even it was damaged & about to fail.
Many thanks to all who have replied. I plan to work on the layshaft bearing before anymore riding time. Fortunately I have other bikes in the stable that are ready to ride. The links and illustrations are particularly helpful!!! :D
With a failing layshaft bearing will this be a consistent issue? I noted my kickstart had pulled forward yesterday after pulling away from a stop. I pushed it back thinking "that's weird" and kept an eye on it for the rest of the ride... no further issue.


- HJ
Hey Joe , get down like a squirell and dig in there to retrieve that nut and bury a new one. As for dry gearboxes ,exactly where did all that 80-90 W. go ? Into the primary ? (pushrod o-ring seal kit) or If a leaking gearbox mainshaft seal (to the ground) then just tear apart everything ,primary first to fit new seal then the roller bearing. Drop in a third mainshaft bush whilst in there. Are we having fun yet ? Love spending your money.
Update on the layshaft bearing. Thanks for the direction and advice! I competed the bearing replacement. Turns out the layshaft was scored and the layshaft bushing was buggered up. The bike is a 73 - 850 Commando and the bearing was not the portugese bearing but was a roller type bearing. The removal and replacement went quite easily. I did it with the gearbox on the bike. All is well, the bike is back up and running and I have been out on a few rides since the replacement of the layshaft, the bearing and bushing.
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