Hi guys (and gals), I am following this slaughter from ringside. As far as I know, no patent or some other IP has been violated here, and if so, anyone is free to copy whatever idea is floating around. From my point of view , and having reviewed both products, the two sump breathers are different products aiming at slightly different needs. With all the other breather designs available, especially from Jim, the sump breather was kind of a logical development, n'est pas?
Having said that, credit is always due to the person(s) who had the idea first, and presenting erroneous quotes in the interest of selling goods is certainly unethical and should be condemned. So, even if thoughts are free, I think Jim would do good by apologizing for not giving JC credit for the idea, at least.
I would like anyone to consider his/her words carefully. Loyalty to one or the other should not be used as a lever. Remember, we are a small community and need to remain friends even after a disagreement, which I trust can and will be resolved. Let's help each other rather than adding fuel to the flame.
- Knut
Having said that, credit is always due to the person(s) who had the idea first, and presenting erroneous quotes in the interest of selling goods is certainly unethical and should be condemned. So, even if thoughts are free, I think Jim would do good by apologizing for not giving JC credit for the idea, at least.
I would like anyone to consider his/her words carefully. Loyalty to one or the other should not be used as a lever. Remember, we are a small community and need to remain friends even after a disagreement, which I trust can and will be resolved. Let's help each other rather than adding fuel to the flame.
- Knut