Jobs that are a proper faff (PITA) on your Commando?

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I understand that a hoist would be a nice addition to my garage but with 2 bikes,a sidecar,and a lift,my 1 car garage can’t take any more. I don’t want to leave it outside. I will try out your first suggestion.Thanks for your reply on this.
Lift? If you can get it to move in small increments - board across it - now you have a hoist! If not, board across it and a chain fall.
Is that an America term? Are you referring to the circlip in the piston that retains the gudgeon pin?
Google wrist pin spiral lock, or piston wrist pin lock.

It's not a circlip but serves the same purpose in a piston. Circlips installed with a circlip tool are easy to install first time and every time compared to a Spiral lock. I call wrist pins wrist pins. Gudgeon pin I don't use for wrist pin here in the USA. I'm sure many do in British motorcycle owner's club circles here, but not I.

Installing the first one in a piston is a challenge. Once the wrist pin is in and butted against the first spiral lock installed, the second one is much easier. You'd have to install one to know what I'm referring to. It may not be that difficult for you. I can't feel the tips of my thumb and first two fingers on my left hand. Dropped the thin little things a few times, and they are a PITA to install. PITA stands for pain in the ass.
You Commando guys do not know what PITA is until you undo the lower magneto nut on a pre '65 Atlas or Dommie.

One of many reasons my K2F is now in a box with all the gears, and I only have one chain in the timing chest. I threaded that annoying hole for a shiny 3/8-16 12 pt SBC header bolt and used it and the other two 1/4-20 holes to fasten a plate over the magneto hole. The plate has a cNw Combat breather on it.

You guys doing pre-commando restorations really have a high tolerance for frustration. lol
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