Our only pre-nuptial agreement was the the Norton was MINE!
The stereo, cameras, cars, the other motorcycles, the heirloom silver, antique furniture and real-estate was all debatable but not the Norton.
She is also the woman who handed me an inheritance check and told me to build a new garage for my motorcycles.
She is also the woman who told me to "fix it no matter what!" when I exploded the motor in'Pa' my trusty Norton.
She is also the woman who just shakes her head and leaves the kitchen smiling when she sees me sitting next to the stove wearing an oven mitt and reading the Norton repair manual.
She is also the best thing that ever happened to me.She has supported my motorcycle addiction unwavering for forty years. Without her I'd be living in a cardboard box under a bridge. It would be the nicest box there and the only one with a Norton in it but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
As for Tupperware,,,,,,,,,,I buy my own!
Alright then ENOUGH BRAGGING about the women in our lives, lets get back to talking Norton!