Been an interesting thread.
Long time Norton owners are aware of it and deal with it one way or another.
The question was asked, what is acceptable? Being a long time owner, I don't know that answer.
I happen to have a freshly lapped pump. new seals etc. installed.
I purposely put oil in ahead of time to prime the pump and wet sump some.
It sat longer than it should due to a Jacked up knee.
After 2 and 1/2 weeks, with it at TDC, sumped about 34oz, or just over a litre.

I was surprised. So, how much in 24hrs, per the OP?
Missed the 24 hr. mark, however @ 36hrs, 7 oz.
As I said earlier, 16oz in 24hrs, to way to much.
Wet sumping can cause all kinds of issues to the Novice Norton owner.
From a false low oil reading on the stick with the oil in the sump, thus overfilling and causing all kinds of messy issues.
Hard kick over due to a full sump and probably blowing out the primary seal and more.
The debate will go on forever about this, I've accepted the fact it will sump and actually prefer it as it goes into self preservation mode,
filling the sump with oil, helping to lube the 'Flat Tappet' cam and keep the lower end lubed.
A lot of talk about reed valves. ANY reed valve is a good thing. From mild to wild will help your Norton.
I'm going to stir it up and suggest the very best are the Sump mounted reed valves.
From NYC, CNW or whoever.
First off, the closer to the sump, the more efficient. Virtually 0 air being sucked back in.
Second is a by product, a couple of primer kicks will clear the sump enough for a safe start.
The primer kicks push the oil past the reed valve, where it is held till start up, and then returns to the tank.
End of issue. No need for any restricitons in the supply line.
Too all the Naysayers, yes they are expensive, around $300.00 +, don't knock them unless you've experienced them.
Add up the costs for the inline reed valve, inline oil feed stuff, AMR mod, whatever, now it's not so bad.
I've done 2, one on my Combat, one on my 850.
I'm so happy with them I will suggest they are the single best, modification one can do.
Admittedly, my Experience is with the Combat forward, the earlier 750's have other issues mounting these.
With all that said, if someone were to drop a bone stock Combat or 850 on me, what would be my non stock mods, if it was in running condition?
1. Sump reed Breather.
2. Clutch Rod seal.
3. 13 mm master cylinder, or more.
4. Electronic ignition.
I would do the first two right off, depending on funds, probably all of them.