Installing new harness/loom


May 8, 2022
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I have bought a new harness from TMS and ahead of it landing on my doorstep, are there any tips that may help me, as, when it comes to electricals I can just about manage to change the fuse.

I'm aware it's a like for like swap, so will take lots of pics beforehand and (try to) make sure the correct coloured wires, go in the right place.

I'm also wondering, as I have a Pazon Surefire EI, and therefore don't have the ballast resistor, condenser etc. (and am tempted to leave out the power supply plug as I'll never use it) if it is feasible to somehow unwrap the pvc and remove those wires and then tape it all back up again? Or maybe cut them off and wrap/heat shrink the ends (though that seems a shame)?

Any nuggets of wisdom you'd care to share?
I have bought a new harness from TMS...
...I'm also wondering, as I have a Pazon Surefire EI, and therefore don't have the ballast resistor, condenser etc.

See what connectors the TMS harness has for the 'ignition harness' section, multi-pin plug or bullets.
AN's Mk3 main harness has bullet connectors in place of the original multi-pin plug which makes it easier to connect electronic ignition.

(and am tempted to leave out the power supply plug as I'll never use it) if it is feasible to somehow unwrap the pvc and remove those wires and then tape it all back up again? Or maybe cut them off and wrap/heat shrink the ends (though that seems a shame)?

Yes, you could (individually) heat shrink them and tape the section back or cut it down and do the same.
Just make sure the brown/blue cannot short to earth or any other wire as it's always 'live/hot' even when the ignition is switched off and wherever the brown/blue is cut that it doesn't also cut the power supply to the master/ignition switch.

Also, do not connect the harness positive (red) ring terminal directly to the battery(+) terminal.
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It was on my doorstep when I got home. I'll check it out later.

Sorry, I was thinking it was a Mk3 when it's a Mk2 with an Alton starter so the comment about the new harness having a multi-pin plug should be disregarded as that's Mk3 only.
My comment about not connecting the harness positive ring terminal to battery(+) applies to the Mk3 and maybe not the Alton kit.
Absolutely no need to apologize, but thanks for clearing that up.

I've just been visiting a mate and all the time in the back of my head I have been thinking 'I wonder if Les thinks I've got a Mk3' - in fairness, I should've mentioned it was a MK2. The note regarding the ring terminal particularly confused me 😵‍💫

I haven't fitted the Alton yet, but found a note on Grant Tiller's site mentioning the connection to the positive terminal with the Alton fitted, so I'll bear that in mind when the time comes...

"be sure to notice that there is only one connection to the battery positive – this is the heavy 6-gauge cable that goes to the primary case for the Alton Electric start.

It is important not to take any other connection to the battery on this side, as if for any reason you have disconnected the heavy gauge cable (maybe you are doing some maintenance work on the primary), and you inadvertently touch the starter button, you can quite easily pull 200 amps of unfused power through the other cables in the wiring harness that are rated at 20 amps.

The wires simply melt!"
I haven't fitted the Alton yet, but found a note on Grant Tiller's site mentioning the connection to the positive terminal with the Alton fitted, so I'll bear that in mind when the time comes...

"be sure to notice that there is only one connection to the battery positive – this is the heavy 6-gauge cable that goes to the primary case for the Alton Electric start....etc."

Ok, so the same applies then. :)
Based on my experience of a new harness bought in 2020 I advise pulling and testing every connector carefully to ensure the crimping is done properly. I had a bullet come off while connecting it. Just a gentle pull and it was off.