INOA 2017 Norton Rally.

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jimbo said:
Thanks Jimbo
Just an update. I talked to Pete yesterday and he has found another 850.
happy trails,
My money is on the oil between the wetsump valve and the pump draining away and then the pump has nothing to suck the valve open with. My engine lasted 10 miles like this or about 20 minutes from start. Just get rid of these valves they are a licence to scrap your bottom end. Crank grind, shells, 2 X conrods, new big end bolts, gaskets etc. £500 to you sir (not including labour, I paid myself :lol: )
gripper said:
. My engine lasted 10 miles like this or about 20 minutes from start. Just get rid of these valves they are a licence to scrap your bottom end. Crank grind, shells, 2 X conrods, new big end bolts, gaskets etc. £500 to you sir (not including labour, I paid myself :lol: )
If your cylinders didn't get touched you were lucky.
I was amazed how many Norton's at the rally had some sort of checkvalve system on their bikes. :? Most were trailer queens. I will not put one on any of my bikes that have Norton as a badge.
A wet sump is never catastrophic as what I pulled apart and examined on Wednesday. :shock:
That''s a real shame.

Even if it wasn't the wet sump valve which caused the big bang, why take the chance of fitting these things? As the pump wears it's more and more likely that the valve won't open enough.

On the plus side

1) no one was hurt!

2) Pete could convert to electronic tacho and re-use the camshaft if it's only the drive gear damaged.

Just out of interest, should the oil pump be regularly checked, and if so what is the best way and at what interval? (i.e. temporarily fit a pressure gauge, or remove the pump and check all the tolerances)


Pete's motor looks just like mine did after my check valve failed.
A crank regrind, bore to +40, new rod and pistons etc. etc.etc. That along with everything else I found along the way cost me US$2000 and I did all the work myself.
Don't give up on it Pete, fix it over the winter to better than new and.....
Ride On
My con rod never let go. but the increased stroke of a shot big end did allow the big end bolt nut to leave a gouge mark in the cases. Recon I just caught it in time. I wouldn't fork out for a new cam, just live without the revcounter, It's a direct ratio to the speedo unless the clutch is slipping. There just saved you $200 win.
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