Ignition switch wiring question

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Jun 25, 2012
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My 1970 Norton has an ignition switch with 3 spade connecters on the back. Two are linked and the other is stand alone. The wiring diagrams look like the white/white double wire connects to the single spade. Can anyone tell me what the proper wiring configuration looks like. When I wire it like I think is correct the battery drains in short order. If I wire it so white/white is on linked spades battery maintains charge??? Makes no sense to me.
If it is like my switch, isolate the terminal that feed the other two. Put power to that terminal and every thing else off the other two.
Pete is right. You will also notice that all the switch does is turn off certain things, mainly the ignition. A lot of the rest of the items, headlamp, horn, rear brake, etc. are always on unless you remove the fuse. 68-70 model only.
Correct or not, the simplicity is attractive to me. Head light switch on headlamp shell and all other switches on the switchgear.

The one here show the 4 terminals but mine has 3 due to one being clipped off. If you look cloce at your switch you will probable one of you is either broken or clipped off also.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/2721039579 ... ps&lpid=82

I am seriously considering putting on an on/off toggle switch. If anyone is smart enought to start this bike, the keyswitch will be a simple problem for the thief to overcome. I have a rocker switch now hidden along the seat line now for the Mag, so even if they overcome the keyswitch, they'll end up walking or limping away.
pete.v said:
The one here show the 4 terminals but mine has 3 due to one being clipped off. If you look cloce at your switch you will probable one of you is either broken or clipped off also.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/2721039579 ... ps&lpid=82

Many original two position switches would have had three terminals (2 & 1), although modern replacements have four (2 & 2).

Ignition switch wiring question
The 71 switch is all together different. If your 70 bike has the original wiring or similar, There should be 2 white wires, one from the coil and one from the stop lamp connected to the same terminal, it may be a double white wire. then on the other terminal, the double one I think, There's 2 brown/white wires one to the ammeter and one to the rectifier, but you'll be hard pressed to trace them by looking. Then there's a white/brown at the same terminal that goes to the switch on the handle bar, the lighting switch. There should be a wiring diagram somewhere on line, there's a diagram in the back of the 68 workshop manual. The battery connection comes through the ammeter with the brown white wire. If you want I can get a picture of my switch, it's original wiring and everything.

Essentially all the brown white wires connect to one side of the switch and the white wires to the other side, it's only a 2 terminal switch even if it has 3 lugs, 2 of them are connected together.

Page 51 here http://britmoto.com/manuals/Manuals/Comm_man.pdf
I have had one like that shown with 3 terminals ( a single and a double) on my 1970 Fastback. I replaced it about 5 years ago with a new one (genuine Lucas) that now has two double terminals. Only last night I replaced it with a toggle switch as it was not making a good contact across the switch when turned fully on. Looks like new but hasn't lasted long.
I took my original one apart, cleaned it, put some de-ox on it and put it back together. So far so good.
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