Blimey .
This has a vauge resemblance to whats inside those things on your handlebars .
Now , a sensable person MIGHT put a relay , on. The Headlanmp. And the IGNITION .
asw putting 5.000 volts ( somewhere along those lines . or was it amps . Maybe microfarads .
The Grotty snotted up filthy dusty not CLACK oxidised CONTACT may not be .
Par tickular ly , as it'll Be ' Contact ' , Not Disconect . Or Short to Ground - like onna magneto . on the KILL SWITCH .
IF it has a Kill Switch , Off will be DISCONECT . Whereas ON may well try to CONNECT , but as its been neglected for near fifty years ,
It may well say ' Toss It ' , given the opertunity . Like NOW .
Hence the ADVICE to take along a ' Hot Wire to Test DIRECT , if it dissfunctionsd . again & again & again .
Gee Gwarrs went to a 24 volt ' ring circuit ' with Solenoid Robots operating everything . Like Crowd Zap . or wotever they think theyare .
So THEREFORE , a substantial cable To 7 from solenoids to Ign. & High & Low beams - Gets Electricity DIRECT . wiff the little ole handlebar SWITCHES just carrying solenoid activation current .
Not the national grid.
as it were .
Pitchers of the woiks race / rally cars , assembling the wiring . is pretty basic . theres all pretty colours , so as they know wotswot .
the FIVE strand TRAILER wireeing lead , almost matches diameter for handlebar stuff . and seven lead . If theyre to be replaced ,
WHICH brings us too , CONDUCTIVITY .
dismantling a wiring loom , Somethimes the wire STRANDS are knackered . BLACK non thingo wotsit al over every tiny little strand .
and there can be lots of strands . All individualised and USELESS . If its not that it can be oxidation . Which is white and powdery .
Likely caused by the guy ( or girl ) overseeing the wire making machine spilling their coffee or dropping a ham sandwich init .Perhaps.
ANYWAY . A muliti meter wotsit and checking the CONTINUITY & CONDUCTIVITY / Resistance off each wire . Connect ends to meter ! .
So as , for ' us blokes ' wotarnt colour blind , you can just ' do a new one ' and youve got a new one . Otherwise a fire wextinquisher could help .
If it all goes horribly wrong .
Neumero Uno / . Check DIRECT . ' hot wire / jump wire . direct to battery .
Numero Next / . If the wireing looms battered and grotty , picnched chaffed and burnt . It is . And youd better do something about it .