Plenty of on board rubbish on U Tube . Some of them even know how to ride, :lol:
Local racer ? ( Wobbler ) road a Fransis Barnett would give them , most all , a good go , Downhill .
The ' oon the tank ' ( side ) bum out , under the screen emulations at 60 - 100 Ks are bewildering .
The odd twerp apparently forgets to turn the throttle off , freezes , or brakes off straight ahead .
So Another roadside marker marks where he met his demise .
If youve still got your liscence , tailing round in practise , as long as theres no beginners , or cadgeing a draft from a top liner after a chat , if he's touring rather than setting the lap record should do it .
Unless youve got two left feet .
Wots your shifting foot ?
Biggest bug beer might be getting the instruments in the teeth if you ' tested ' the brakes , in the vertical .
That Said I saw a big whizz bang come out of the shop with brand new tyres last winter , spin up & spit him off ( very mildly . only $ 2000 damadge at 5 mph ) with the cold engine wanting revs
and wot looked like preservative laden tyres . Theyed done 50 yards total milage , at that point.
Be Best to take a 675 out first - the whole hysteria & mayhem ( throttling & harmonization ) should be comparable , at half the weight . :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :wink:
Its Mainly the pick up shifts and braking thatll be more zot blang . A Corner is still a corner , and a horse is still a horse , even if someones stuck a skyrocket up its nether regions . :roll: