I know this has been asked before but

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I am in agreement with the reply's in this thread and I , personally, think that $7500 is pipe dream territory. I saw a "'74" Commando on E-Bay this past week that was really a '71, possibly a late '70 Fastback. I wrote the seller and told him that it was no way a '74; his response? "it is titled as a '74, so I sell it as a '74". A poser!, and he had it listed as a "buy it now" for $10,000, the listing expired with no offers. The popularity of the Norton marque (pre-'76) has caught the attention of the motorcycle equivalent of the carpet baggers; the same assholes that have invaded the classic car market and bid up Vincent motorcycles to around $100K. I have this feeling that pre-'76 Nortons are the new Vincents; I plan to keep buying them when I can, turn them into rolling magic, and have them be my legacy.

So, is it worth $7500? Not to the faithful for the abundant reasons stated before this post, but to some uniformed soul, who knows? I am, however, reminded of my oldest son when he was about 12 years old: He had a nicely turned out BMX bicycle, but wanted one with all the bells and whistles. I told him to sell the one he had, dig into his savings and buy the one he wanted. A week later he came to me and said that he put the word out at $75 and now had 3 buyers, what should he do? I suggested that he bring the three buyers together and have an auction and take the highest offer; he got $105 for his old bicycle.

If this seller holds out he may shear someone for $7500, ' can't say. I hope you get it for nearer to $5K, or less; you'll be busy for quite spell...

Which, for me, is half the endearment.
Norton46 said:
I would like some opinions and I know I will get them here.
ok we have a 1974 Commando, orange metal flake with silver logos and pinstripe.

Since it hasn't already been mentioned, that color in the brochure is called Fireflake Golden Bronze,
or sometimes just Golden Bronze.
Don't often see them still in factory paint, and that sure looks like it,
that is a very rijjinal looking bike.

With a good clean and polish, and all the mechanical bits serviced and cleaned,
looks like you could ride off into the sunset.

We look forward to hearing reports of how its coming along.
Have fun !

btw, that front disk brake will not be much good until all the chrome is gone,
suggest you have it at least lightly ground to remove it all.
If not upgrade the whole system, although that would make it less than original.
Bottom line to my previous comments is still - "If I was the BUYER, I'd HOPE to get it for $5K"
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