I hate computors.

Have been watching an Interstate tank on E bay here in oz.
Had to work a bit longer than usual today, got home with 5 mins to go on auction.... $560.00.
Logged in, added max bid to $650.00, thought that would cover it nicely. Hoping for... $580.00/$600.00.
15 seconds to go..... press confirm...AAAAAGH, WEB PAGE HAS EXPIRED ???.
Winning bid, $560.00. Steel tank with a crack around mounting hole.
I hate computors.
nO WOndeR A maN drinKS.
Oh well. Such is life.

'nuff said.

I've never lost out on something I really wanted, ever since I installed it. Don't even have to be there!
it's a service called auction sniper. you bay a small fee and they bid for you up to a predetermined amount at a predetermined time, say the last 2 seconds.
I do the same thing myself and have allways won things I really wanted but I'm sure the Sniper programs are faster then my finger on my computer. I guess I've just never bid against one.
Who really knows. I think those programs ruin honest auctions and doesn't say much for the integrity of those that are willing to cheat to get what they want. If I want something I bid and pay what ever it takes to get it and if someone wants the same item my max is always borderline more than the part is really worth at least that way a sniper will pay for what they are cheating for. :wink:
Program or not, it is the maximum you are willing to bid that wins the auction, the programs may even raise the price an object gets since a maximum bid is always present while a human may be faced with a slow connection or be dozing at the keyboard.

That sucks, i just got a steel interstate tank from the US on ebay, i entered my max bid a long while earlier though so i didnt have that happened as i was also worried about that happening, with sites like ebay u need to keep reloading the pages as they do expire, best to get in ur max bid early as possible. I feel for u though :( dont worry another will come up :)
suprisingly cheap my friend, when i first contacted the seller he stated it may be between $200-300US and i said to him if its about $100 id bid for it and he got back to me and said it would be about $100 mark which was great. It ended up costing me $92US which i was really happy about and wth the US dollar at 109.cents when i got it i got postage worked out free :D Also i was really really surprised as the box was freakin huge, the tank was really cushioned in there and had heaps of padding which was great too as i was worried it was gonna be hard up to the cardboard edges. This is the second tank ive got from the US too, worth a look!