I get a lot of fun out of Youtube.

Jun 30, 2012
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You might get a laugh out of this - my step-daughter will be at home the day after tomorrow - she likes soppy love songs.

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I predict the next stop is TikTok
I don't think Tik Tok would handle the copyright situation so well. All the parts of my videos are authorised for use on Youtube. In Australia, showing Youtube videos to an audience requires a licence from APRA AMCO, the musicians' union.
I think you watch too much YouTube Al, you need to get out in the shed and do some work on the bike instead, before you get square eyes, I see you wear glasses already, might be too late, sitting in front of a screen to long you get un active and lazy and become a couch potato.
I use to watch a bit of YT but these days cursed with ads, too many ads, worst than commercial TV.