Hunting and High idle permanent fix! - TRIAL

I had some idle problems, but above all I had regularity problems from 2000 to 4000 rpm.
I put the lambda elimination pins but I only partially solved it.
Today I mounted the SCS Delta 400 CPU, for the moment I have only done about ten miles and it seems that everything works perfectly
Good Claudio ! I have yet to mount my SCS Delta 400 , I am still getting the most out of the SC Typhoon . Thanks for posting .

Can you elaborate on the IAM reach and how it may effect the idling?

It moves the IAM plunger closer to the cap seat and therefore reduces the range it must travel to close off the air flow. When the final Idle duty cycle reaches 0 % , the plunger is as far in as it is going to go . It can only open (retract) or stay at 0 % (fully extended) . (from page 7). If the IAM is already at 0 % and it needs to close more it can't , it is as closed as it is going to get . This combined with mis-adjusted throttle stop screw or slightly leaky (but still servicable) throttle bodies can lead to Hot Engine High Idle. HE-HI . Norton probably threw away a lot of serviceable JENVEY throttle bodies over the years . What a shame , If they would of just let the engineers do their job of discovery and engineering it could have been them giving you the answers instead of me. But instead , they insisted changing the ECU's which may or May Not have fixed it. I am beginning to think now May Not. But it is fixed now Bro !
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I had some idle problems, but above all I had regularity problems from 2000 to 4000 rpm.
I put the lambda elimination pins but I only partially solved it.
Today I mounted the SCS Delta 400 CPU, for the moment I have only done about ten miles and it seems that everything works perfectly

Hi Claudio , Can I ask if the SCS Delta 400 ECU has the base map supplied by SCS for the 961 ? In other words , have you installed a different map or it this the map installed by SCS for the Delta 400 Norton 961 ? I hope it is , because that's what I am going to try next . It sounds very good so far ! It would be awesome if it is plug and play ! Good Luck !
Hi Tony
The Delta 400 CPU is plug & play, has installed a map designed by SCS.
The bike has taken on a different tone at the exhaust and when the engine is hot it works very well.
Try the Delta 400, it can be installed in a few minutes
Lastly , I want to thank Matt Payne and SCS Delta for supplying the software and advice to help make this fix possible.
I had some idle problems, but above all I had regularity problems from 2000 to 4000 rpm.
I put the lambda elimination pins but I only partially solved it.
Today I mounted the SCS Delta 400 CPU, for the moment I have only done about ten miles and it seems that everything works perfectly


Does your 961 have an aftermarket exhaust?
If so, which one?
Lastly , I want to thank Matt Payne and SCS Delta for supplying the software and advice to help make this fix possible.

Tony, where you mention SCS software/advice did you need to make changes to the ECU settings?
No changes to ECU settings . SCS helped me deciding on a laptop with correct OS that would work for me. I was trying to limit my expenditure on the laptop and I have an HP with Windows 10 home that does the job for $400 USD . My SC Typhoon is still locked from Norton , so I am using SXCar which works for my needs . My only issue with my bike was the idle and that is now totally resolved ! The Delta 400 will use SXTune , but I have yet to install the New Delta 400 ECU. And frankly my SC Typhoon is working so well I don't see the urgency to switch over now. BUT , I will do it if for no other reason than to make sure I have a working unit . I have been told that the Delta 400 is an improved ECU and was supplied with their map for my 2014 with short loud exhaust. As far as I know only iwilson , claudio , lcrken and I have one . Not sure though . I am very happy with the 961 and wish you the best in your next project.
Hi Tony, like you i have a Delta400 sitting on the shelf. In my case waiting for the general once over the bike planned for some time when life permits.
Did SCS "adjust" the Delta400 ECU specifically for the open long exhaust?

The CPU was shipped with a dedicated 961 calibration file.
When I ordered the CPU I told Matthew that I was mounting long open decat exhausts, I don't know if the calibration file is specific to my configuration or if it is fine for all 961s.
I have only done 300 miles with the Delta 400 CPU and I am very satisfied.
The CPU was shipped with a dedicated 961 calibration file.
When I ordered the CPU I told Matthew that I was mounting long open decat exhausts, I don't know if the calibration file is specific to my configuration or if it is fine for all 961s.
I have only done 300 miles with the Delta 400 CPU and I am very satisfied.

All, my bike is stalling when its a bit warmer let’s say when I have to stop for a streetlight. And I was thinking of placing a inlet pressure meter connected to the scs to correct for this stalling problem. Because it currently the ecu goes to it’s base map at low rpm. Did someone of you thought about this already? Modern bike And race bikes use this already for years.