How to determine worn amals? Opinions on wassell?

This was 11 years ago at 38,000 miles, original 1975 Carbs. I put in new mj ( bigger), needle jets and needles in them, all else original. It doesn't cost much too change the needle jets and needles.
It's now at 48,000 miles and runs much the same. The slides are a bit loose but it doesn't seem to matter.

I like new Premieres but these Carbs have to make it run rough before I can justify spending a thousand CDN$ to change them out.

I replace my needles and jets every 3 years depends on the mileage never had idle problems with my old Boyar and with the Joe Hunt idles even better, I replace my old worn out original Amals in 1979 the replacement Amals are still going strong the replacement Amal are alloy body, they were around back then.
I've posted it numerous times and a search finds it easily..... it's in a few amal threads... it's simple and more importantly it makes common sense..
My Amal 932s are hopefully ok , it will idle hot at 500rpm , normally set at 1000 though , my bike has 13000 or so on it , ive never had them off in 4 years of ownership , due to clean bowls and check some stuff and clean the pilots , it has a really strong and even idle , great when at the lights , nice front wheel shake 😀.
it really depends on your Budget the Amal are now becoming a considered purchase decision to replace old for new
current UK prices are around £220 per carb inc VAT for standard premier where Wassell are around £120 inc VAT per carb
if you do lots of annual milage it is possibly easier to swallow the extra £200 for Amal`s